B2 - Cell Divison

  • Created by: Fizzah
  • Created on: 25-01-20 10:45
carry genes that contain instructions for making new cells
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Has information that controls a characteristic or a part of it - it's a section of DNA
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A chromosome may carry thousands of genes
46 chromosomes of nucleus in body cells Arranged in pairs of 23
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Are long lengths of a molecules Called the DNA which is coiled up
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Both cells divide in a series of stages known as the
Cell cycle
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cell division
Produces additional cells needed for growth and development in multicellular organisms and to replaced damaged cell eg- skin and hair follicles
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Is when a cell reproduces its self by splitting into 2 identical cells
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The cell cycle
1. Before a cell divides it needs to grow and increase the amount of sub-cellular structures 2.it then duplicates its DNA so there's one copy of each chromosome for each new cell 3.the chromosomes are pulled apart to each end and the nucleus divides
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Cells produced when the nucleus divides by mitosis
Are genetically identical
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stem cells
undifferentiated cells and they can divide to produce lots more undifferentiated cells and can develop into different types of cells
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adult stem cells
Such as the bone marrow only turn Into certain types of cells - blood cells can replace old cells
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embryonic stem cells
Found in the embryo ;embryonic cells, which can develop into any type of body cell
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therapeutic cloning
The production of embryonic stem cells for use in replacing or repairing damaged tissues or organs - is an type of cloning where it has the same info as the patient so it can't be rejected
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meristem cells
Undifferentiated embryonic cells are capable of mitosis that keep plant growing throughout its life.
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Meristem cells
Can clone plants quickly and cheaply Can stop a plant for going extinct
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Adult stem cells can also be found
brain eyes blood heart liver bone marrow skin muscle
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Human stem cells can help
in type 1 diabetes in cases of multiple sclerosis, which can lead to paralysis in cases of spinal cord or brain injury, that have led to paralysis
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Benefits with the use of stem cells
Stem cells have great potential, in treating patients with currently untreatable conditions, growing organs for transplants, and research
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Clinical Issues with using stem cells
-There is no guarantee how successful these therapies will be, for example the use of stem cells in replacing nerve cells lost in Parkinson's disease patients. -The current difficulty in finding suitable stem cell donors. -The difficulty in obtaining
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Ethical Issues
A source of embryonic stem cells is unused embryos produced by in vitro fertilisation (IVF) For therapeutic cloning is it right to create embryos for therapy, and destroy them in the process? Embryos could come to be viewed as a commodity, and not as
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Social issues
Educating the public about what stem cells can, and can't do, is important. Whether the benefits of stem cell use outweigh the objections. Much of the research is being carried out by commercial clinics, so reported successes are not subject to peer
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Has information that controls a characteristic or a part of it - it's a section of DNA



Card 3


46 chromosomes of nucleus in body cells Arranged in pairs of 23


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Card 4


Are long lengths of a molecules Called the DNA which is coiled up


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Card 5


Cell cycle


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