B2 biology

What are proteins
Long chains of amino acids, they are formed into structural tissue, antibodies, hormones and biological catalyst (enzymes)
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what are catalyst
speed up chemical reactions in the body
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Why is the enzyme shape so important
the shape is determined by the building blocks of the amino acids, however its shape is so important as it has a specific job to work on in a molecule.
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Inside the enzyme what has does it have?
it has to be able to fit into the substrate therefore it can react with the active site and break down the substrate forming the product
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what an enzymes do
build and break things down
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what is the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction
the reaction happens quicker, colliding and reacting more. however if it is too hot the enzymes get destroyed and so the shape changes meaning it can no longer fit into the active site. (this is called denature) 35degrees
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The best conditions for enzymes work when they are at a neutral conditions
The stomach has acids so they work best in the acid conditions and the the alkali enzymes work best in the intestines
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What enzyme breaks starch down into sugar
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what enzyme breaks proteins down into amino acids
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what enzyme breaks lipids( fats) down to fatty acids + glycerol
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considering the stomach has a high ph of amino acids, when it passes through into the small intestines why doesn't the strong acids harm them?
In the liver bile is produced which is an akali substance which is made in the gallbladder, this neutralise the acid so the acid is weakened, allowing it not to cause damage
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how does the mouth break down food
the amylase in the mouths saliva breaks down the food
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what is fermentation
fermentation is where bacteria is grown by allowing it the best temperates and nutrients to grow in a controlled environment. When they have grown they are then purified and then used in industrial products
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Give one example where enzymes are used in the industry
industry enzyme can be used as biological detergents in washing powders etc. The enzymes used are protease as they digest proteins which remove stains. As well as the lipase enzyme used as it to remove fatty/ oily stains
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What temperature do the enzymes denature at
around 37 degrees
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Name an example where an enzyme is used in food
Protease is used in baby food to break down proteins to make it easier for babies to digest.
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what enzyme breaks glucose syrup down into fructose syrup
Isomerase (much sweeter than glucose which means you can use much less of it in your foods but still have the same sweetness)
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positives of enzymes in reactions
reactions take place at lower temperatures and pressures, therefore less energy is used meaning that it is cheaper and more environmental
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negatives of enzymes in reactions
costs a lot of money to produce the enzyme, enzymes can denature at the wrong temperatures
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what cells does mitosis take place in?
All the body cells other than the sex cells.
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What happens in mitosis
cells grow and repair. There is one division from the parent cells to the daughter cells where the daughter cells are copy of the parent cells, resulting in two cells with 46 chromesomes each
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where does meiosis take place?
ovaries and the testes. The cells from the ovaries and sperm split into two identical pairs giving each pair 23 chromesomes (these are called the gamets) containing 23 chromesomes each x4
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what are the differences between mitosis and meiosis
In mitosis there is one division from the parent to daughter cells, they are copies of the parent cells which results into 2 cells with 46 chromesomes each, where in meiosis there is 2 division, resulting in 4 cells containing 23 chromosomes each
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are catalyst


speed up chemical reactions in the body

Card 3


Why is the enzyme shape so important


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Inside the enzyme what has does it have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what an enzymes do


Preview of the front of card 5
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