
What are carbohydrates used for?
Slow release energy.
1 of 108
What are fats used for?
To keep warm and release energy.
2 of 108
What are proteins used for?
Growth and cell repair/replacement.
3 of 108
What is meant by metabolic rate?
The rate at which chemical reactions occur in your body.
4 of 108
Give an example of when someone would need a higher metabolic rate.
someone with a higher proportion of muscle to fat because muscle requires more energy than fatty tissue.
5 of 108
Why do physically big people have higher metabolic rates?
More energy is required by your body because you have more cells.
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Why do men usually have a higher metabolic rate?
Men are usually slightly bigger with a larger proportion of muscle.
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What happens to your metabolic rate if you start exercising?
It will increase and stay increased for a short while after too.
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What is obesity?
When someone is 20% or more over the recommended body mass.
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Name 4 things that can make someone obese.
too much carbohydrates or fats (bad diet), over eating, not enough exercise and hormonal problems
10 of 108
List three effects of obesity.
Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and increased blood cholesterol levels which can lead to heart disease,
11 of 108
Give three effects of not getting enough food.
slow growth, fatigue and poor resistance to infections
12 of 108
What effects does exercise have on your body?
Decrease storage of fat, builds up muscles and boosts your metabolic rate.
13 of 108
Give one effects other than food and exercise that cause obesity?
Inherited factors e.g. inherited metabolic rate.
14 of 108
What two ways can you lose weight?
Take in less energy and do more exercise.
15 of 108
What is a pathogen?
A micro-organism that causes disease.
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Give two ways a bacteria can cause disease.
Damaging your body cells and producing toxins.
17 of 108
which is bigger, a bacteria or a virus?
A bacteria
18 of 108
How do viruses replicate them selves?
Invade your cells by injecting their genetic info, use your cells machinery to produce copies of them and then the cell bursts releasing new viruses (cell bursting makes you ill).
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Give four things your body does before the immune system to prevent microbes getting in.
Skin, mucus and hair in repository tract and platelets to clot blod
20 of 108
Name three things your white blood cells do once they have seen a foreign antigen.
Consume them, produce antibodies and produce antitoxins.
21 of 108
How do vaccines work?
Dead or inactive strand is injected, body detects antigens and white blood cells attack even though its harmless, when a proper strand enters white blood cells will be produced rapidly to kill it off.
22 of 108
Give two advantages of vaccines.
Control lots of common infectious diseases and can prevent epidemics because less there are less people to pass on the disease.
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give two disadvantages of vaccines.
Do not always work and can have a bad reaction to the vaccine,
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Give two examples of medicine that just relieves the symptoms.
pain killers and cold remedies.
25 of 108
What do antibiotics do?
They kill or prevent the growth of bacteria without damaging your cells.
26 of 108
Why is it difficult to produce drugs that kill viruses?
viruses use your cells to reproduce so its hard to produce a drug that kills the virus and not you cell.
27 of 108
How do you investigate antibiotics in a lab?
Staralise the equipment, put agar jelly in a perti dish, use a wire loop to put on the bacteria, paper discs are soaked in different antibiotics and placed on the jelly, resistant bacteria will continue to grow
28 of 108
Explain the work of Semmelwies.
noticed huge numbers of death after child birth, asked doctors to put antiseptic solution on their hands and this cut the death rate, he couldn't prove anything as bacteria wasn't discovered.
29 of 108
What is antibiotic resitance?
Bacteria have mutated and evolved because antibiotics are over used.
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Why are anti biotic resistant strands a problem?
People who get infected by one cant get rid of them easily.
31 of 108
Give an example of a anti biotic resistant bacteria.
32 of 108
How has an overuse of anti biotic made antibiotic resistant bacteria a bigger problem?
It is making more strands of bacteria resistant so you're more likely to get infected with one.
33 of 108
What is a stimulus?
A change in your environment which you may need to react to.
34 of 108
Name the 5 sense organs.
Eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin
35 of 108
Name the receptors.
Light, sound, taste, smell, pressure, temp ,pain
36 of 108
What is the central nervous system?
Information from the sense organs is taken here, it is where reflexes and actions are coordinated and it consists of the spinal cord and brain.
37 of 108
Explain the reflex arc.
Receptor detects stimulus, impulse travels along the sensroy neurone, then along the relay neurone, then alone the motor neurone to the effector (muscle).
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What is a synapse?
The connection between two neurones where a chemical diffuses through to set off a new signal.
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What is a reflex?
A automatic response to a certain stimuli e.g. pupil getting smaller.
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What is a hormone?
A chemical messenger sent in the blood to target cells.
41 of 108
Give two examples of a gland.
Pituitary gland and ovaries.
42 of 108
What are the differences between nerves and hormones?
hormones are slow action, hormones act for a long time and hormones act in a general where nerves are for particular places.
43 of 108
Describe the main steps in the menstrual cycle.
Uterus lining breaks down and bleeding starts, lining builds back up from day 4-14, day 14 is when an egg is released, maintained ready for an egg until day 28, if not egg then the cycle restarts.
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What does FSH do?
Makes the egg mature and stimulate ovaries to produce oestrogen,
45 of 108
What does Oestrogen do?
Causes pituitary gland to produce LH and inhibits release of FSH.
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What does LH do?
Causes an egg to be released from the ovaries on day 14.
47 of 108
Name two hormones that are used to reduce fertility.
Oestrogen to prevent release of an egg and progesterone by stimulating thick cervical mucus to stop sperm.
48 of 108
Give two Pros of the pill.
99% effective, reduces risk of cancer.
49 of 108
Give two cons of the pill.
Isn't 100% effective, doesn't protect against STDs.
50 of 108
Name two hormones that can be used to increase fertility.
FSH and LH can be given so an egg matures and is released
51 of 108
How does IVF work?
Collect eggs from a women, fertilise in a lab, one or two embryos are transferred into the mother.
52 of 108
Give two disadvantages of IVF.
Embryos are destroyed so can be unethical and multiple births can happen which are risky.
53 of 108
Explain how roots grow towards gravity.
Auxin collects on bottom side of root, inhibits growth in roots so top grows faster, roots bends down.
54 of 108
Explain how roots grow towards moisture.
Auxin collects on the side with more moisture, other side bends towards the moisture.
55 of 108
Explain one method of using Auxin in Agriculture.
Add rooting powder which contains auxin so they will produce roots rapidly and start growing new plants, this helps produce lots of clones.
56 of 108
Name the 4 things that need to be regulated in homeostasis.
Ion content, water content, blood glucose and body temp.
57 of 108
How are excess ions removed from the body?
Kidneys will remove them from the blood, the god rid of in urine or sweat.
58 of 108
Name three ways in which water is lost.
Sweating, breathing out and kidneys filter it in urine.
59 of 108
How is your body temperature regulated?
The thermoregulatroy centre in the brain acts as a thermostat.
60 of 108
How is your blood glucose level controlled?
Insulin when you have too much glucose and glucagon when its too low.
61 of 108
What are the three types of drugs?
Medicinal, recreational and performance enhancing.
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Give an example of a performance enhancing drug and what it does.
Anabolic steroids and they increase muscle size.
63 of 108
Give two arguments for performance enhancing drugs.
Althletes should be able to choose what they do and that its not fair anyway because some athletes can afford better coaching and facilities.
64 of 108
Describe the first step in a Drug test.
Test the drug on human cells unless it is for whole of multiple body systems e.g. blood pressure.
65 of 108
Describe the second step in a drug test.
Test the drug on living animals, this is to find out how toxic it is and the optimum soil.
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Describe the third step in a drug test.
Clinical trial, Test the drug on healthy volunteers to test for side effects (the dosage is gradually increases), test on ill people to get optimum dosage, two groups (one placebo and one with drug).
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Give an example of when a drug had not been tested enough.
thalidomide wasn't tested enough, made as a sleeping pill but helped morning sickness in women, it passed through the placenta and caused abnormal limb development, killed around 5000 babies.
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Give two reasons why people use recreational drugs.
Enjoyment and peer pressure from their background and friends.
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Give the 4 ways in which desert animals are adapted to save water and keep cool..
Large surface area to volume ration (lose more body heat), Efficient with water (e.g. little sweat and concentrated urine), Good in hot conditions (little body fat) and Sandy camouflage
70 of 108
Give 3 ways Arctic animals are adapted to reduce heat loss.
Small surface area to volume ration (Reduce heat loss), thick layers of blubber and white fur.
71 of 108
Give 3 ways Desert plants are adapted to have little amounts of water.
Small surface area to volume ration (reduce water loss with no leaves), water storage tissue (Thick stem) and shallow, extensive roots to get large area of water.
72 of 108
Give one thing plants have to deter predators and one thing an animal has.
Some plants have thorns and poison, Some animals have warning colours e.g. wasps
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What 4 things will plants need to compete for?
Light, space, water and minerals.
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What 4 things will animals need to compete for?
Space, food, water and mates.
75 of 108
Give 4 living factors which cause environmental change .
Change in occurrence of infectious disease, Change in number of predators, Change in number of pray and change in number/type of competition.
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Give the 3 non-living factors which cause environmental change.
Change in average temperature, change in average rain fall and change in level of air or water pollution.
77 of 108
Give the 3 ways the population is affected from environmental change.
Population increase, population decrease and distribution of population changes.
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Give 3 examples of living indicators and what they do.
Litchen are sensitive to sulfur dioxide in the air from cars/power stations (less is good), Mayfly larvae need oxygen in water so they only go on clean water, maggots indicate high pollution.
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Give 3 examples of non-living indicators and what they do.
Satellites measure sea temp and amount of snow, automatic weather stations tell us atmospheric temp in certain locations and rain gauges to measure average rain fall
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What is biomas?
how much all the organism would weigh if you put them together.
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What kind of organism always goes on the bottom of a pyramid of biomass?
A producer.
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Give two ways the energy can be lost from a animal.
Movement and heat because they need to regulate their body temp which is usually higher then the surroundings
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What do plants do with the elements they take from the soil and the air?
Turn them in to complex compounds e.g. proteins and carbohydrates.
84 of 108
How do these elements get recycled?
When the organism dies, the materials decay because they are broken down by micro-organisms which put the elements back in the soil.
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What kind of conditions do these micro organism work best in?
Warm, moist and lots of oxygen available e.g. compost bins.
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What is a 'Stable Community'?
The materials taken out are the balanced by those that are put back in.
87 of 108
Give 4 ways that Carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere in the carbon cycle.
Animal respiration, burning fossil fuels, burning plant material and C02 released from decay.
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Give 1 way that C02 is taken out of the atmosphere in the carbon cycle.
89 of 108
What are the two types of variation?
Genetic variation and environmental variation.
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What is genetic variation?
The combination of genes from two parents which causes variation.
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What is environmental variation?
Any difference that has been caused by conditions something lives in.
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What is a chromosome?
They carry genes which control the development of different characteristics.
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What is a gene?
A short length of the chromosome.
94 of 108
What is a DNA molecule and what shape is it?
long coils which form the arms of the chromosomes, double helix.
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Give two ways a plant can be cloned.
Plant cutting is where the plant is cut and then planted and copies come out and tissue culture is where a few plants cells are in a growth medium with hormones to grow clones.
96 of 108
Describe how embryo transplants work.
Sperm from prize bull, egg from prize cow, artificially feritilize them and then implant in to other cows to make ideal off spring.
97 of 108
Describe how adult cell cloning works.
Take egg cell and remove genetic info, take body cell nucleus and insert into empty egg, shock the egg to divide then implant into an adult female.
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Describe 3 problems with cloning.
Seen as playing God, reduced gene pool (less alleles in population) and can cause very ill offspring,
99 of 108
How do you use enzymes in genetic engineering?
Enzymes cut useful genes out of an organisms chromosomes, then used again to insert the useful gene into another organisms chromosome
100 of 108
How do scientists make insulin?
Cut the insulin gene out of humans using enzymes, enzymes cut a gene out of bacteria and place in the insulin gene, the bacteria then reproduce to make insulin.
101 of 108
Give 3 reasons why we would make GM crops.
resistant to viruses and insects, increase yield and make it contain lots of nutrients..
102 of 108
Give 3 reasons against GM crops.
Reduces biodiversity, people dont trust it and it could be passed on to create 'super weeds'.
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What is the theory of evolution?
More than 3 billion years ago, life on Earth began as simple organisms from which the more complex organisms evolved.
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Why do some species have similar characteristics?
They have similar genes because they share a recent common ancestor e.g. whales and dolphins.
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Describe Darwin's idea of natural selection.
A mutation in the genes causes different characteristics, if the mutation causes a useful characteristic that ensures survival, it will be passed on to the offspring.
106 of 108
Give three reasons why people didn't agree with Darwin.
again t religion, genes and mutations were yet discovered and not enough evidence.
107 of 108
What did Lamarck think about evolution?
He believed that if the characteristics were used a lot it would become more developed in its life time.
108 of 108

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are fats used for?


To keep warm and release energy.

Card 3


What are proteins used for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meant by metabolic rate?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give an example of when someone would need a higher metabolic rate.


Preview of the front of card 5
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