B1.6- Variation, reproduction and new technology

Why do children resemble their parents?
Due to the information carried by genes
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What is a gamete?
A sex cell
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Where is genetic information carried?
In the nucleus of cells
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How is genetic information passed from generation to generation?
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What are chromosomes made of?
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What shape is DNA?
A double helix
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How many chromosomes do humans have?
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Why is it said chromosomes come in pairs?
As you inherit half from your mother and half from your father, these pair up
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What are the units of inheritance?
Genes (contained in chromosomes)
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How do genes control the development of all your characteristics?
They control all of the different enzymes and other proteins in your body.
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How many genes control whether you have dimples?
One pair (two genes, one from your mother one from your father)
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How many parents are involved with asexual reproduction?
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Is there variety in asexual reproduction?
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What are the offspring of asexual reproduction also known as?
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When might the cells of your body reproduce asexually?
To replace worn-out tissues
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What organisms commonly reproduce asexually?
Small animals and plants and bacteria
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What cells does sexual reproduction involve?
A male and a female sex cell, or gamete
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How many parents are involved in sexual reproduction?
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How does sexual reproduction introduce variety?
You inherit genetic information and hence characteristics from both parents so you will not be the same as either of them but share some characteristics with both.
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What are the gametes called in plants?
Ovules (female) and pollen (male)
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What are the gametes called in animals?
Ova (female) and sperm (male)
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Why is variety so important?
It makes sure a species survives when there is a change of conditions.
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Does a single pair of genes control hair colour?
No, several pairs of genes
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Does the environment change the basic characteristics you inherit?
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What can also have an influence on our characteristics?
The environment
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Why is skin colour decided by combined variance?
You inherit your skin colour from your parents but the environment will also affect it, e.g. if you live in a sunny country you will have darker skin than if you live in a colder country.
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Why are identical twins so similar?
They come from the same fertilised egg.
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Why are two identical twins, brought up by different adopted parents, slightly different?
Because they have been brought up in different environments so their nurturing has been different
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Who is most likely to be of a more similar body mass, a pair of identical twins brought up apart or a pair of non-twin same-sex siblings brought up together? Why?
The identical twins are most likely to have similar body masses as their genes have a greater impact on this characteristic than their environment.
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What is a clone?
An individual that has been produced asexually and is genetically identical to the parent
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How can gardeners produce clones of their plants?
By taking a cutting of an older plant and keeping it in the right conditions
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What can you do to increase the chances that your cutting will develop successfully?
Use hormone rooting powder and keep the cuttings in a moist atmosphere
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Explain how you could produce thousands of clones of one plant very quickly?
You take a small number of cells and add plant hormones to produce a large mass of identical plant cells, by adding a different plant hormone and manipulating conditions you can make each cell develop into a tiny new plant.
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How can cloning help farmers produce more high-quality calves?
Transplanting clones into the best cows mean these cows can produce more than their normal number of calves each year.
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Give two ways in which you can collect fertilised cow eggs.
1. Inject sperm into the womb of a cow, allow the sperm to fertilise the eggs then collect them by washing out the womb 2. Collect unfertilised eggs and add sperm in a laboratory
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Describe the process of cloning cattle embryos.
Divide each embryo into several individual cells, Each cell grows into an identical embryo in the lab, Transfer embryos into their host mothers, which have been given hormones to them ready for pregnancy, Identical cloned calves are born
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What is adult cell cloning?
When a new whole animal is produced from the cell of another adult animal
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What are the five steps required to perform adult cell cloning?
Nucleus removed from unfertilised egg Nucleus taken from adult body cell Nucleus inserted in empty egg cell. It’s given an electric shock that starts dividing to form embryo cells. When developed is inserted into womb of female to develop
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What two ways can animals be cloned?
1. Embryo transplants 2. Adult cell cloning
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What is genetic engineering?
A process that involves changing the genetic material of an organismA process that involves changing the genetic material of an organism
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Explain how a bacterium could be used to produce a human protein.
Insulin gene cut out of DNA, Plasmid removed from bacterium, Insulin gene inserted into bacterial plasmid, Plasmid inserted back into bacterium, Bacteria multiply and produce insulin
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Why do we need to transfer genes from the cells of one animal to another animal in genetic engineering?
Why do we need to transfer genes from the cells of one animal to another animal in genetic engineering?
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Where did scientists get insulin from before they could make it by genetic engineering?
From the pancreases of pigs and cattle
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What is the advantage of the newly developed genetically engineered insulin?
It can be produced in the correct amounts needed and in a very pure form.
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How could GM crops help reduce starvation in developing countries?
They can be designed to grow with increased yields in dry, hot or cold parts of the world.
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What is human engineering?
Changing the early cells of an embryo so there is a change in the DNA of a human
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Give three problems that could arise from genetic engineering.
No one knows the long-term effects of GE. People worry about the effect of GM crops on naturally grown crops, animals and farmers who may have to rely on multinational companies to provide seed each year. People may use GE to manipulate child genes
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What was the first pet to be cloned?
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What are the problems of cloning pets?
It takes many attempts, It is expensive, There are already thousands of unwanted pets out there, It might not look like the original pet, It may not have the same characteristics
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How can GM crops help to reduce child blindness in the developing world?
Rice can be developed with high levels of vitamin A, a vitamin that is needed in your diet to stop you going blind, and grown in large amounts to feed large quantities of people.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a gamete?


A sex cell

Card 3


Where is genetic information carried?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How is genetic information passed from generation to generation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are chromosomes made of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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