B1 revision

Define chromosome
A chromosome is a long strand of DNA
1 of 30
What are the two types of proteins?
Structural and functional proteins
2 of 30
Define homozygous
Homozygous is inheriting two alles that are the same
3 of 30
Define heterozygous
Inheriting two alleles that are different
4 of 30
Define genotype
Combination of alleles you have
5 of 30
What are the sex chromosoms for women?
Both X chromosomes
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What are the sex chromosomes for men?
X and y - as soon as the y appears the testes begin to develop
7 of 30
What is Huntingtons disease?
Genetic disorder affecting central nervous system
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Symptoms of Huntingtons disease?
Involuntary movement, clumsiness, memory loss, mood changes, inability to concentrate
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What does Cystic Fibrosis cause?
Thick sticky mucus in the lungs and gut
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Symptoms of cystic fibrosis?
Weight loss, difficulty breathing and digesting food
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What is the allele of Cystic Fibrosis?
12 of 30
What is true positive?
Fetus has disorder - Fetus has disorder
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What is true negative?
Fetus doesn't have disorder, fetus doesn't have disorder
14 of 30
What is false positive?
Fetus has disorder - Fetus doesn't have disorder
15 of 30
What is false negative?
Fetus doesn't have disorder - fetus has disorder
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What is genetic testing used for?
see susceptibility to certain disease or conditions, problems with certain prescribed drugs
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Why genetic testing is wrong?
Not natural
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What is IVF?
In vitro fertilisation - 1. Ova harvested and fertilised 2. embro tested for faulty allele 3. Healthy embryo planted into uterus
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What is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis?
1. After fertilisation embryos are allowed to divide into 8 cells before single cell is removed 2. Cells tested to see if they carry genetic disorder
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Why's embryo selection controversial?
Unnatural, Concerns people choose certain characteristics
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What is asexual reproduction?
Dividing to form two new individuals. The new individuals are 'clones'
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How can animal clones occur naturally?
Cell of embryo may separate and two new embryos develop into identical twins
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How can animal clones be produced artifically?
1. Nucleus from adult body cell is transferred into an empty unfertilised egg 2. New individual have same information as the donor
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What are the two types of stem cells?
Adult and embryonic
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Where are adult stem cells taken from?
Bone marrow and umbilical cord blood
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What can adult stem cells develop into?
Range of specialised cells but not all types
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Where are embryonic stem cells taken from?
Developing embryo
28 of 30
What can embryonic stem cells devleop into?
Any kind of specialised cell
29 of 30
What are stem cells?
Early stages of development the cells are unspecialised
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the two types of proteins?


Structural and functional proteins

Card 3


Define homozygous


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define heterozygous


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define genotype


Preview of the front of card 5
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