B1 revision

What is the correct description of nicotine and alcohol?
Legal and recreational drugs.
1 of 17
Why do people find it difficult to stop smoking?
They are addicted to nicotine
2 of 17
What is meant by a independent company?
It is another company
3 of 17
Why is it important to do tests in a independent company?
They aren't biased.
4 of 17
Why do we need carboydrates?
Provide energy
5 of 17
Why do we need protein?
For growth and repair of cells.
6 of 17
Why do we need fats?
Provide energy
7 of 17
Why do we need vitamins?
Healthy functioning of the body.
8 of 17
Why do we need minerals?
For healthy growth of the body.
9 of 17
What is a balanced diet?
Contains right amount of macro and micro nutrients to avoid malnorishment
10 of 17
What does fibre do?
Aids digestive system to avoid constipation.
11 of 17
What does water do?
Transports nutrients around the body.
12 of 17
Describe the differences between the function of a receptor and the function of an effector
Receptors detect stimuli e.g light receptor. An effector reacts to the stimuli for example a muscle or a gland.
13 of 17
What is a synapse?
Junction betweens neurones.
14 of 17
How does information pass through synapse?
Chemicals are released to next neurone.
15 of 17
Name a sense organ co-ordinated by the spinal cord.
16 of 17
What is natural selection?
Allows species to respond to changes in the environment.
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why do people find it difficult to stop smoking?


They are addicted to nicotine

Card 3


What is meant by a independent company?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is it important to do tests in a independent company?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why do we need carboydrates?


Preview of the front of card 5
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