B1 - movement of molecules

  • Created by: Fizzah
  • Created on: 25-01-20 11:00
Movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
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Examples of diffusion
Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse during gas exchange in lungs, gills and plant leaves Urea diffuses from cells into the blood plasma for excretion by the kidney Digested food molecules from the small intestine diffuse into the blood
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Factors affecting diffusion
The concentration gradient, The Temperature, The Surface Area and thickness Of the membrane
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Movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from an area of a high concentration to an area of low water concentration
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dilute solution
Of sugar contains a high concentration of water (the solvent) and has a low concentration of sugar (the solute)
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contains a large amount of solute (sugar) and a low concentration of water
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Describes a solution whose solute concentration is equal to the solute concentration inside a cell
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Having a higher concentration of solute outside the solution than internal concentration
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Having a lower concentration of solute outside the cell than the internal concentration
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Variables of osmosis RP
Dependent -cylinder mass Independent-concentration of sugar solution Controls - time /temp/type of sugar/volume of solution
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Percentage change formula
new-old/old x100
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active transport
moves substances against their concentration gradients from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution and requires energy form respiration
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examples of active transport
Plants = Root hairs absorb minerals and water. Each branch of a root will be covered in tiny hairs, therefore increasing the surface area for the absorption of minerals and water. The concentration of minerals is usually higher in the root hair cells
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse during gas exchange in lungs, gills and plant leaves Urea diffuses from cells into the blood plasma for excretion by the kidney Digested food molecules from the small intestine diffuse into the blood


Examples of diffusion

Card 3


The concentration gradient, The Temperature, The Surface Area and thickness Of the membrane


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Card 4


Movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from an area of a high concentration to an area of low water concentration


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Card 5


Of sugar contains a high concentration of water (the solvent) and has a low concentration of sugar (the solute)


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