B1 cell structure and transport

what are organism made out of?
1 of 11
How small can the human eye see objects?
as small as around 0.05 mm
2 of 11
What is animal cell range size?
between 0.01 mm-0.05 mm
3 of 11
What is a plant cell range size?
between 0.01-0.10
4 of 11
what is the different between light and electron microscopes?
electron microscopes lets you see stuff 1,000,000 times bigger. light microscope lets you see stuff 200times bigger
5 of 11
what are the disadvantages of a electron microscope?
1. the specimen has to have a coating of metal added to before they are put in a vacuumed chamber
2.hard to carry/move
3. cost a lot of money
6 of 11
what are the disadvantages of using a light microscope?
waits electricity
7 of 11
what are the advantages of a electron microscope?
saves electricity
8 of 11
what does microscopes magnify the image of?
biological specimen
9 of 11
the equation for Magnification of the microscope is?
Magnification of the microscope = magnification of eyepiece × magnification of objective
10 of 11
the equation for Magnification of the image is?
size of a image divided by real size of image
11 of 11

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Card 2


How small can the human eye see objects?


as small as around 0.05 mm

Card 3


What is animal cell range size?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a plant cell range size?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the different between light and electron microscopes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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