
  • Created by: nourrr_99
  • Created on: 25-03-16 11:22
what are the two things needed to keep our body healthy ?
regular exercise and balanced diet
1 of 45
what are the main groups (nutrients)?
carbohydrates, fats and proteins
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why are carbohydrates important?
they are a source of energy for life process
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what is the function of fats?
they needed to make cell membranes and they are a source of energy for life process
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why are proteins important to our body? list 2 things
growth and repair damaged tissues
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what are proteins mad up of?
Amino acids
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what are the two things that keep our body functioning well ?( taken in small amounts)
mineral ions and vitamins
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what are vitamins?
organic substances that regulates the metabolism and maintain the immune system
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what causes deficiency disease ?
the lack of some essential elements in your diet/poor diet
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what is meant by malnutrition?
lack of proper nutritions and not eating the right amount of food
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how does the person lose body mass?
if their food consist of lower amount of energy than the amount of energy their body uses
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what is respiration and why is it important?
it is a chemical reaction , its important because it helps cells to release energy from food
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what is metabolic rate?
the speed at which chemical reactions take place in the body
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what are the metabolic rate factors?
age, gender ,inherited factors ,fat to muscle ratio and the amount of exercise
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where is cholesterol is made? why is it needed?
in the liver, and is needed for cell membrane
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what will happen if there is too much cholesterol in the blood?
increase the risk of heart disease and blocked arteries which restricts the amount of blood and causes heart attack
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when does diabetes happen?
when the body cannot control the blood sugar and insulin is not being recognised by the body cells to take sugar out of the blood
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what are the three types of microorganisms ?
bacteria, viruses and fungi
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what are pathogens?
microorganisms that cause disease
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what is bacteria?
microorganism that releases toxins that make us feel ill and multiplies rapidly
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what is virus?
microorganism that damage cells and they reproduce inside a host cell and the body cells break and they pass out the blood stream
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what is the function of white blood cells?
ingest and destroy pathogens , produce antibodies to destroy particular pathogen and produce antitoxins to counteract toxins
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what is the function of antitoxins?
neutralising toxins
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what disease does bacteria cause?
cholera, typhoid and food poising
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what diseases does virus cause?
measles, mumps, rubella, flu, colds, and chicken pox
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what are anti bodies and antitoxins?
they are specialised proteins mad up of amino acids
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what are the main stages of destroying a bacteria?
1. bacteria invades the body 2.the white blood cell will recognise it and surround the bacterium 3. ingest the bacterium by releasing enzymes
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how does vaccination happen?
injecting a dead/ weak pathogen
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why is vaccination important ?
it produces antibodies to attack pathogen and recognise it if it enters the body again and destroy it immediately .
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is antibiotics effective against virus ?
no , only bacteria
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how people become immunised against pathogen through vaccination?
some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics
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what does MMR vaccine protect us from ?
measles, mumps and rubella
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why is childbed fever caused? what are the symptoms?
by delivering babies without washing hands and the symptoms are headache and runny nose
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why antibiotics are much better than painkillers?
pain killers only help to relive the pain but not kill pathogens
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why does not antibiotics work on viruses ?
viruses live and reproduce
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why is it difficult to produce a drug that kills virus? and give and example.
damage tissues for example penicillin breaks down the cell walls
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what are the main stages of the development of resistant bacteria?
1.antibiotic kills individual pathogen of non-resistant strain 2.resistnat individual pathogen survive and reproduce 3. the population of resistant pathogen survive and reproduce
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how can we stop the development of strains of resistant bacteria?
avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics for infections that are not serious and complete the full course
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what is meant by 'culture of microorganisms'?
microorganisms that have grown for a purpose (sterile conditions)
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why is agar jelly used ?
to help bacteria grow and provide nutrients.
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why pets dish and agar jelly need to be sterilised?
to kill unwanted bacteria
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what is insulating loop used for? and how can it be sterilised?
transfer microorganisms , it can be sterilised by passing it through bunsen burner flame
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how do avoid killing bacteria on the loop?
wait for it until it cools down
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why do we need to seal the petri dish with a sticky tape ?
to stop microorganisms from getting in and contaminating the culture
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why is it dangerous to incubate cultures at body temperature ?
it might allow the growth of pathogens harmful to health
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the main groups (nutrients)?


carbohydrates, fats and proteins

Card 3


why are carbohydrates important?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the function of fats?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why are proteins important to our body? list 2 things


Preview of the front of card 5
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