
  • Fitness and Health
  • Human Health and Diet
  • Staying healthy
  • Created by: okafor321
  • Created on: 07-05-17 18:40
What does being healthy mean?
Being free from any infectious disease.
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What does being fit mean?
Relates to how much physical activity you are capable of doing and how quickly your body recovers afterward.
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What is cardiovascualar efficiency?
How well the heart copes with aerobic exercise and how quickly it recovers afterwards.
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What is the pulse rate measured in?
In BPM (beats per minute).
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Where does the heart pump the blood?
Around the body in bloodvessels.
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What are the three bloddvessels?
Arteries, veins and capillaries
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What is blood pressure a measure of?
The force of blood per unit area.
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What is the blood pressure measured in?
mm Hg (milimetres mercury).
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What is systolic blood pressure?
Blood pressure at its highest, heart contracts, high pressure in arteries.
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What is diastolic blood pressure?
Blood pressure at its lowest, heart relaxes, low pressure in arteries.
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What are the factors that increase blood pressure?
Smoking, excess alcohol, excess weight, high stress levels, eating high levels of salt or saturated fats.
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How does smoking increase blood pressure?
Produces carbon monoxide which reduces the red blood cells from carrying oxygen, so heart needs to beat faster to make up for lowered- oxygen capacity - Nicotine has a direct effect on heart causing it to beat faster.
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What happens if you have too much saturated fas in diet?
It leads to a bluid up of cholesterol in arteries restricting blood flow.
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What does a balanced diet contain?
Carbohydrates and fats for energy - protein for repair or growth of tissues - minerals needed to make haemoglobins in red blood cells , vitamins to prevent scurvy, fibre to prevent constipation and water to prevent dehydration.
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How could people's diet vary from others?
Beliefs about animal welfare, religious beliefs, allergies
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What are the consequences of being obese?
Arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer.
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How do you calculate someone's BMI ( body mass index?
Mass(kg) : (height in m)*2
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Where are carbohydrates stored?
Stored in the liver as glycogen or coverted into fats.
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Where are the fats stored?
Under the skin as adipose tissue
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Where are the proteins stored?
Proteins aren't stored.
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Protein molecules are.....
long chains of amino acids.
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What is the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids?
Essential amino acids can't be made it must be taken by eating food. Non-essential amino acids can be made in the body.
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What are fist class and second class proteins?
First class proteins are mainly fish and meat. Second class proteins are plants.
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How do you calculate the EAR (estimated average requirement)?
0.6 * body mass(kg).
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What are the 2 main eating disorders.
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
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How do you get an infectious disease?
When microorganism attack and invade your body.
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Define cancer.
Non-infectious disease caused by mutations in living cells.
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How do tumours form?
Cancerous cells divide in an abnormally and uncontrolled way, forming lumps of cells called tumours.
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What is benign?
If a tumour grows in one place.
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What is malignant?
If cells break off and secondary tumours start growing in other parts of body.
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What are pathogens?
disease causing micro-organism.
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list the different types of pathogens.
fungi - virusses - bacteria - protozoa
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How does the skin defend the human.
Acts as a barrier against micro-organisms.
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What are the features of a mucus membrane and waht does it do?
It's sticky which traps micro-organisms.
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What is cilia?
Tiny hairs that moves mucus up to mouth.
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What are phagocytes?
Type of white blood of cell which searches for pathogens.
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What are lymphocytes?
Another type of white blood cell which recognises markers on anti-gens and produces anti-bodies that lock unto the antigens and kills the pathogens.
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What is active immunity?
future protection against the disease the antibodie fought against.
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When does passive immunity occur?
When antibodies are put into the body rather than producing them itself.
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What are the advantages of immunisation?
protects against disease which could kill or cause disablity - If everybody is vaccinated the disease can't spread eventually dying out.
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What are the disadvantages of immunisation
An individual could have an allergic reaction to the vaccine.
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What are antibiotics?
drugs that kills the pathogens.
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name the processes of testing drug.
computer models - animals - human tissue- healthy volunteers.
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What is a placebo?
An inactive pill.
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What is a blind trial?
volunteers do not if they're given the placebo or the new drug.
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What is a double blind trial?
Neither the doctors nor the volunteers know which pill has been given.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does being fit mean?


Relates to how much physical activity you are capable of doing and how quickly your body recovers afterward.

Card 3


What is cardiovascualar efficiency?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the pulse rate measured in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where does the heart pump the blood?


Preview of the front of card 5
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