  • Created by: xfirereg
  • Created on: 01-05-16 22:20
Where are chromosomes found whithin a cell?
The nucleus
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How many chromosomes do Humans have?
46, 23 pairs
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What are alleles?
Different versions or types of genes
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How do genes control the different characteristics we develop?
Each gene is a code for making a certain protein. Proteins are the building blocks of cells
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What does 'Genotype' mean?
An organism's genotype is all of the genes it has
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What does 'Phenotype' mean?
The physical appearance of an organisms characteristics
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Is weight determined by Genes, environmental or both?
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Name the two types of sex cell
Egg (female gametes) and sperm (male gametes) cells
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How many chromosomes are found in sex cells?
23 chromosomes
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Why do most children look like their parents but not identical to either?
Half a child's chromosomes have come from each parent. The child doesn't have the same alleles
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Difference between Homozygous and Heterozygous?
Homozygous = two of the same alleles for that particular gene Heterozygous = two different alleles for that particular gene
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What sex chromosomes do humans have?
** = Female xy = Male
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Is the allele for cystic fibrosis dominant or recessive?
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What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis?
Thick sticky mucus in the lungs. Breathing difficulty. Chest infections
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What are the symptoms of huntingtons' disease?
Tremors, clumsiness, memory loss, poor concentration
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What are the chances of a child inheriting HD if one of their parents have the faulty gene
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During IVF, what is the process of testing embryos to see if they have a genetic disorder?
pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
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Give another use for genetic testing
Children and adults can be checked to see if they carry alleles for genetic disorders
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Issues surrounding genetic testing
1) Tests aren't 100% safe 2) Tests aren't 100% accurate 3) Insurance companies might refuse to give life insurance
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Definition of 'clone'
Clones are Genetically Identical organisms - they have the same genes and alleles of those genes
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How are identical twins formed?
Identical twins are also clones. The embryo splits into two
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Definition of asexual reproduction
Only one parent, and the offspring are genetically identical to the parent
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What are Stem cells?
During the development of an embryo most of the cells become specialised. They cannot later change to become a different type of cell. But embryos contain a special type of cell called stem cells.These can grow into any type of cell found in the body
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Differences between the two main types of stem cells
Embryonic stem cells = unspecialized cells found in early embryos Adult stem cells = unspecialized cells found in adult animals
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How can stem cells treat an illness?
Embryonic stem cells can be used to replace faulty cells
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many chromosomes do Humans have?


46, 23 pairs

Card 3


What are alleles?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do genes control the different characteristics we develop?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does 'Genotype' mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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