B ; mass protest ; sig? ; peterloo

what two things damped down rebellion for a bit?
gov. actions in '16/7 + economic improvements
1 of 40
who stood for parliament in 1818?
henry hunt
2 of 40
what happened?
3 of 40
reform advocacy unpopular with electorate
4 of 40
what still remained?
radical society and press
5 of 40
what ceased publication in 1817?
political register
6 of 40
cobbett fled 2 usa
7 of 40
where was peterloo?
8 of 40
city and towns perfect for WC radicalism
9 of 40
what was there a long area tradition of?
trade unionism
10 of 40
and what had given rise to strong WC ID?
big textile mills
11 of 40
separating them from?
their MC employers
12 of 40
what exemplified WC activity in MCR pre-peterloo?
blanketeers in 1817
13 of 40
who were they?
textile workers
14 of 40
who planned to?
march to london to petition for improvement in the cotton trade
15 of 40
how many marchers?
16 of 40
how big of a crowd?
17 of 40
when were many stopped by the yeomanry?
six miles away in stockport
18 of 40
the rest didn't get further than?
macclesfield chesire
19 of 40
what happened to the economy round MCR in 1818?
downturn in textile industry
20 of 40
bc of?
cotton **** in america innit
21 of 40
what did this lead to?
radical activist meeting in 1819 MDR
22 of 40
and who was asked to address gathering?
henry hunt
23 of 40
when exactly was the meeting?
16th aug 1819
24 of 40
st peters fields
25 of 40
how many people attended?
26 of 40
what did some groups banners call for?
universal suffrage / annual parliament
27 of 40
when did hunt arrive and address crowd?
28 of 40
who were watching from nearby house?
29 of 40
who issued?
warrant for his arrest
30 of 40
who did they order to arrest him?
mcr + salford yeomanry
31 of 40
what caused men and horses to panic?
hard to move thru dense crowd
32 of 40
what was thrown @ them?
some stones
33 of 40
+ they responded by?
hacking w/ sabres
34 of 40
what happened when other forces moved in?
crowd dispersed
35 of 40
how many dead?
36 of 40
how many injured?
37 of 40
what did these events provoke?
national revulsion / sporadic riots / more political unions
38 of 40
who could it be argued was responsible for this other than the gov?
manchester magistr8s 4 getting real bummy real fast 4 like no reason
39 of 40
also who?
amateur yeomanry
40 of 40

Other cards in this set

Card 2


who stood for parliament in 1818?


henry hunt

Card 3


what happened?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what still remained?


Preview of the front of card 5
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