B ; mass protest ; eff gov resp ; six acts

what year?
1 of 26
after which extremely really very important event?
the peterloo massacre
2 of 26
august 1819
3 of 26
how did it appear to the gov?
a well org. + threatening action
4 of 26
discipline of crowds who marched meeting militarily
5 of 26
parliament met at the end of 1819 to consider whose proposals for preventing future disturbances?
lord sidmouth, home secretary
6 of 26
by the end of the year what was passed?
six acts
7 of 26
what was one of the most important acts? [uda]
unlawful drilling act
8 of 26
why was this passed in relation to peterloo?
before hand marchers had been reported to have been practising marching and drilling
9 of 26
on the moors outside manchester for months
10 of 26
what did samuel bamford say about this in his memoirs?
it was harmless and they just wanted to show decorum
11 of 26
but how did the government view it?
training for future insurrection
12 of 26
so the act banned unlawful drilling with what conseq.?
13 of 26
what did the seizure of arms act do?
empower magistrates to enter any property they expected to house arms
14 of 26
and what did the misdemeanours act do?
reduce ability of arrested person to be granted bail
15 of 26
which act revived the terms of 1795 and 1817 acts of the same name?
seditious meetings prevention act
16 of 26
what did this do?
limit pub. meetings to 50ppl again only to be conducted at parish level
17 of 26
what happened to this act in parliament?
strongly opposed by whigs
18 of 26
who viewed it as?
attempt to curtail individual freedom
19 of 26
and the act was eventually repealed in?
20 of 26
what did the criminal libel act introduce?
penalty of transportation for libellous writings
21 of 26
what happened to this act in operation?
proved ineffective
22 of 26
what did the newspapers and stamp duties act do?
increase amount of publications that had to pay stamp duty and increased amount to be paid
23 of 26
what was the desired effect?
reduce no. papers and pamphlets that could be published profitably
24 of 26
what were the government acknowledging by passing these acts?
how seriously they took the issue of national stability
25 of 26
did the acts have the desired effect?
26 of 26

Other cards in this set

Card 2


after which extremely really very important event?


the peterloo massacre

Card 3




Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how did it appear to the gov?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5
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