audio in data representation

what will not improve the quality of digital audio?
Compressing the file will not improve the quality of digital audio.
1 of 10
What is the difference between stereo and mono audio?
The difference between stereo and mono audio is that stereo audio usually requires twice as much data as mono audio.
2 of 10
Which audio format would be quickest to download from a website?
AAC is a compressed audio format that would be quickest to download.
3 of 10
Why does streamed video content sometimes pause during playback on a home computer?
Streamed video clips sometimes pause because of buffering.
4 of 10
What is the effect of increasing the frame rate of a video clip?
Motion becomes smoother but file size increases.
5 of 10
What is a codec?
A codec is a program used to encode or decode data.
6 of 10
What is bit depth?
Bit depth is the number of bits it is possible to have in each sample or frame of a media file.
7 of 10
what is sample rate?
sample rate is the number of audio samples captured every second
8 of 10
what is bit rate?
the number of bits used per second of audio.
9 of 10
How do you calculate the bit rate?
Frequency × bit depth × channels = bit rate
10 of 10

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Card 2


What is the difference between stereo and mono audio?


The difference between stereo and mono audio is that stereo audio usually requires twice as much data as mono audio.

Card 3


Which audio format would be quickest to download from a website?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why does streamed video content sometimes pause during playback on a home computer?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the effect of increasing the frame rate of a video clip?


Preview of the front of card 5
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