Attachment studies

Isabella et al
Caregiver-Infant Interactions, Assessed 30 mums degree of synchrony and the quality of the mother-infant attachment. High levels of synchrony in better quality attachments.
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Role of the Father. longitudinal study, assessed both parents behaviour and the quality of their attachment. Quality of Infant attachment with Mothers related to relationship as a teenager. Fathers seen as less important.
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Filmed Caregivers with 4m old babies. Primary caregiver fathers like mothers spent longer smiling and holding them than secondary caregivers
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Schaffer + Emerson
60 babies from working class families in Glasglow. Visited every month for the 1st year + at 18m. Asked mums questions about separation anxiety. 25-32w, 50% of them showed separation anxiety.
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Imprinting. Half of goose eggs kept with mother and 1/2 in incubator to see Lorenz. Followed who they saw at birth
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Animal Studies. Contact Comfort. 2 mother figures, 1 wire with milk and 1 covered with cloth. Spent more time with cloth mother due to comfort
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Dollard + Miller
:earning theory of Attachment. UCS is food.
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Strange Situation. Assess quality of attachment. 1. Test exploration 2. Stranger comes in 3.Parent leaves 4.Parent returns + stranger leaves 5. Leaves childs alone 6. Stranger returns 7. Reunited with Carer
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Van Ijzerdoorn
Cultural Variations. Meta analysis of 32 ** studies from 8 countries. Insecure avoidant highest in Germany. Insecure resistant was least common. Bigger variation between cultures then countries.
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Simonella et al
Cultural Variations. Assessed changes in Italian Attachment types. Looked at 76 one year olds using **. 50% identified as secure, lower than past studies due to changing lifestyles
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Jin et al
Cultural Variations. Wanted to compare proportions of korean attachment types to other countries. Most common in both was Secure. Korea = more insecure resistant due to different child rearing and little separation.
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Rutter ERA
Romanian Orphanages. Looked at 165 orphans and assessed them at 4,6,11 and 15. Control group = 52 british adopted children. When arrived 50% showed delayed intelligence. IQ caught up if adopted before 6m old. Those after showed disinhibited attachmen
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Zeanah et al
Romanian Orphans. 95 people aged 12-31, spent most of their lives in institutions. Assessed attachment type using **. Only 19% secure attached. 65% had disorganised attachment.
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Hazan + Shaver
Later Relationships. Analysed 620 responses to Love Quiz in US newspaper. Assessed current relationships, past experiences and their attachment type. 56% securely attached = had longer lasting relationships. Avoidant = Jealousy
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Bailey et al
As a Parent. Assessed 99 babies attachment with their mother and interview mother to find out their attachment type. Majority of attachment types stayed the same.
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Card 2




Role of the Father. longitudinal study, assessed both parents behaviour and the quality of their attachment. Quality of Infant attachment with Mothers related to relationship as a teenager. Fathers seen as less important.

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Schaffer + Emerson


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