attachment ; explanations ; learning theory

1 of 56
what was dollard and miller's approach called?
'cupboard love' theory
2 of 56
because emphasises importance of a caregiver that?
provides food
3 of 56
so children learn to love whoever?
feeds them
4 of 56
- classical conditioning
of course it is
5 of 56
what does classical conditioning involve?
association over time UCS CS UCR CR blah de blah
6 of 56
in case of attachment what serves as the ucs?
7 of 56
and the unconditioned response is?
fat scran pleasure
8 of 56
what starts as a neutral stimulus?
9 of 56
when same person feeds baby continually what happens?
person becomes associate with food
10 of 56
and with that neutral stimulus becomes the?
conditioned stimulus
11 of 56
once conditioning has taken place sight of caregiver produces?
conditioned response
12 of 56
which is?
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and learning theorists perceive this as?
love (they have such a nice free outlook on life)
14 of 56
- operant conditioning
15 of 56
what can this explain?
why babies cry for comfort
16 of 56
what does crying lead to?
caregiver response
17 of 56
18 of 56
as long as care giver provides correct response what happens?
crying reinforced
19 of 56
baby then directs crying for comfort toward caregiver who responds how?
w/ comforting 'social suppressor' behaviour
20 of 56
what type of reinforcement does the baby receive?
21 of 56
gaining food for its crying
22 of 56
but at the same time what does the caregiver recieve?
negative reinforcement
23 of 56
bc crying stops
24 of 56
what does this mutual reinforcement do?
strengthen the attachment
25 of 56
- attachment as secondary drive
26 of 56
what concept does learning theory draw on?
drive reduction
27 of 56
what kind of drive can hinger be thought of as?
primary drive
28 of 56
so why are we motivated to eat?
to reduce hunger drive
29 of 56
what did sears et al suggest happens as caregivers provide food?
primary drive of hunger becomes generalised to them
30 of 56
therefore what drive is attachment?
31 of 56
learned by assocaition of?
caregiver and primary drive satisfaction
32 of 56
33 of 56
:( animal rsrch counterevidence
34 of 56
what has animal rsrch suggested?
young don't necessarily attach to those that feed them
35 of 56
when did lorenz's geese imprint on him?
36 of 56
and what about harlowe's monkeys?
attached to cloth mother even when wire mother fed them
37 of 56
why must this also be true for humans ESPECIALLY with learing approach?
they believed humans and animals were equivalent
38 of 56
:( counter-evidence for human rsrch
wow it's really not looking good for you guys is it
39 of 56
in schaffer and emerson's study who did many babies develop primary attachment to?
biological mother
40 of 56
even though the feeding situation was?
other carers did most of feeding
41 of 56
these findings suggest feeding isn't what?
key element of attachment
42 of 56
therefore there's none of which two terms?
unconditioned stimulus / primary drive
43 of 56
:( ignores other factors assoc w/ attachments
44 of 56
rsrch into early interaction sugg quality attachment assoc w/ factors like developing which two things?
reciprocity / interactional synchrony
45 of 56
studies have shown attachments with which type of carers are best quality?
those that are sensitive, pick up signals + respond 2 needs
46 of 56
if attachment purely as result of feeding what would be the purpose of reciproc. / is?
there wouldn't be any!!! so it's silly
47 of 56
and what wouldn't we find relationships between?
those signals and quality of attachment
48 of 56
49 of 56
:) some conditioning could b involved still
50 of 56
wat is the main problem with the learning theory?
that it hunges on food
51 of 56
but it could still be suggested what?
they attach thru condting
52 of 56
:( newer learning theory exp
53 of 56
hay and vespo prop newer exp absed on which approach?
54 of 56
based on idea social behaviour acq largely as result of?
modelling + imitating behvaiour
55 of 56
how did they suggest parents teach children to love?
by them modelling attachment behaviour
56 of 56

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what was dollard and miller's approach called?


'cupboard love' theory

Card 3


because emphasises importance of a caregiver that?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


so children learn to love whoever?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


- classical conditioning


Preview of the front of card 5
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