Other questions in this quiz

2. Which attachment did Bowlby say forms an internal working model of relationships?

  • First
  • Third
  • Second
  • None, it forms at birth
  • Any

3. An internal working model is a template of what relationships should be like based on one's first attachment

  • True
  • False

4. The law of accumulated separation is....

  • The more time one spends away from their child, the better the attachment will be
  • The affects of separation add up - "the safest dose is therefore a zero dose"
  • The more routine a child's life is, the better the attachment will be
  • The more the consistent the care, the better quality the attachment

5. Why is Bowlby's monotropic theory socially sensitive?

  • Because as Burman pointed out, it blames mothers for an unsuccessful attachment and later issues in the child's life, forcing them into particular lifestyle choices such as not returning to work in fear they'll damage their child
  • Because People found his 44 thieves study unethical
  • Because as Burman pointed out it is deterministic, suggesting that one will inevitably have poor future attachments if they had a poor first attachment


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