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6. One's internal working model has little impact on one's future relationships and own parenthood

  • False
  • True

7. Can an internal working model be passed on through the family by generation?

  • Yes, Bailey's research supports this
  • No, Bailey's research contradicts this

8. The law of accumulated separation is....

  • The more routine a child's life is, the better the attachment will be
  • The more time one spends away from their child, the better the attachment will be
  • The affects of separation add up - "the safest dose is therefore a zero dose"
  • The more the consistent the care, the better quality the attachment

9. Which of the following is not a strength of Bowlby's Monotropic theory

  • Kagan's alternative explanation of temperament
  • Brazelton found that when the primary attachment figure ignored their child's social releasers, they curled up motionless
  • Bailey's study of mothers comparing their attachment to their parents and their own children

10. How long does Bowlby claim the critical period is?

  • 6 moths
  • 2.3 years
  • 2 years
  • 2 months

11. According to Bowlby, attachment is a innate, evolutionary process to ensure protection from hazards

  • Bowlby didn't think any of that
  • True
  • False it is only evolutionary
  • False, it is only innate

12. Which attachment did Bowlby say forms an internal working model of relationships?

  • Second
  • Third
  • First
  • Any
  • None, it forms at birth

13. An internal working model is a template of what relationships should be like based on one's first attachment

  • True
  • False