Other questions in this quiz

2. What animals did Harlow study for attachment

  • Dogs
  • Monkeys
  • :)
  • Geese

3. What are the characteristics the child will display in the indiscriminate attachment phase

  • Has multiple attachments. Child shows certain preference to several people. E.g parents, grandparents and siblings.
  • More socialable, can tell people apart and tend to prefer to be in certain company. Easily comforted by anyone. Don't show fear of strangers.
  • The child being to shows separation anxiety. Show fear of strangers.
  • Show similar responses to objects and people. Don't prefer to be around specific people. Prefer to look at face and eyes. Rapidly learn voices and smells.

4. What is reciprocity

  • Responding to the action of another with a similar action.
  • Responding to the action of another with the same action.
  • Not responding to the action of another
  • :)

5. What animals did Lorenz study for attachment

  • :)
  • Monkeys
  • Geese
  • Dogs


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