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6. What animals did Harlow study for attachment

  • Geese
  • Monkeys
  • Dogs
  • :)

7. What are the characteristics the child will display in the multiple attachment phase

  • Show similar responses to objects and people. Don't prefer to be around specific people. Prefer to look at face and eyes. Rapidly learn voices and smells.
  • More socialable, can tell people apart and tend to prefer to be in certain company. Easily comforted by anyone. Don't show fear of strangers.
  • Has multiple attachments. Child shows certain preference to several people. E.g parents, grandparents and siblings.
  • The child being to shows separation anxiety. Show fear of strangers.

8. How many stages of attachment did Schaffer state there were?

  • 4
  • 3
  • 11
  • 5

9. What are the characteristics the child will display in the specific attachments phas

  • More socialable, can tell people apart and tend to prefer to be in certain company. Easily comforted by anyone. Don't show fear of strangers.
  • Has multiple attachments. Child shows certain preference to several people. E.g parents, grandparents and siblings.
  • The child being to shows separation anxiety. Show fear of strangers.
  • Show similar responses to objects and people. Don't prefer to be around specific people. Prefer to look at face and eyes. Rapidly learn voices and smells.

10. What animals did Lorenz study for attachment

  • :)
  • Monkeys
  • Geese
  • Dogs

11. What is interactional synchrony

  • Not mirroring actions.
  • When two people tend to mirror what the other is doing in terms of facial and body movements. It can also involve imitating emotions.
  • Responding to the action of another with a similar action.
  • :)

12. Who carried out research into interactional synchrony

  • Meltzoff and Moore
  • Bowlby
  • Schaffer
  • Harlow

13. What stage of attachment takes place in 0-6 weeks

  • Specific attachments
  • Multiple attachment phase
  • Asocial Stage
  • Indiscriminate attachment phase

14. What are the characteristics the child will display in the indiscriminate attachment phase

  • More socialable, can tell people apart and tend to prefer to be in certain company. Easily comforted by anyone. Don't show fear of strangers.
  • Show similar responses to objects and people. Don't prefer to be around specific people. Prefer to look at face and eyes. Rapidly learn voices and smells.
  • The child being to shows separation anxiety. Show fear of strangers.
  • Has multiple attachments. Child shows certain preference to several people. E.g parents, grandparents and siblings.

15. What is reciprocity

  • Not responding to the action of another
  • :)
  • Responding to the action of another with a similar action.
  • Responding to the action of another with the same action.