Atoms - names and definitions - basics

Atomic mass is..
The number of protons in an atom
1 of 21
Mass number is...
The number of protons + neutrons
2 of 21
Electrons are equal to...
3 of 21
Mass number - atomic number =...
number of neutrons
4 of 21
An isotope is...
The same type of and element that contains a different amount of neutrons
5 of 21
An i ion is...
an electronically charged atom that either looses or gains eletrons and a full outer shell.
6 of 21
The nucleus contains...
protons and neutrons
7 of 21
Both protons and neutrons are...
Subatomic particles
8 of 21
A protons charge is...
9 of 21
A neutrons charge is...
10 of 21
An electrons charge is...
11 of 21
When a metal looses atoms it becomes...
12 of 21
When a non-metal looses atoms it becomes...
13 of 21
An ionic compound is...
A strong force between oppositely charged atoms held together by electrostatic forces
14 of 21
Ionic compounds can only conduct electricity when they are...
Molten or dissolved in a liquid
15 of 21
A molecule is...
Two atoms chemically combined (dont get it mixed up with a compound which is only stuck together not chemically combined!)
16 of 21
Dot and cross diagrams always have a...
Full outer shell (when drawing you only draw the full outer shell not and other center ones)
17 of 21
A covalent bond is...
When a weaker intermolecular force and a stronger intermolecular force bond together
18 of 21
An intermolecular force is...
When two molecules join together
19 of 21
Fullerenes (buckyballs) are made up of...
60 carbon atoms
20 of 21
Bucky balls are an alletrope ( different physical form) made from carbon balls normally making...
3 covalent bonds which leaves one electron free to conduct electricity
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The number of protons + neutrons


Mass number is...

Card 3




Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


number of neutrons


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The same type of and element that contains a different amount of neutrons


Preview of the back of card 5
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