Atomic structure, analysis and quantitive chemistry

In a periodic table, which number is the top one and which number is the bottom one?
Top one = Mass number & Bottom one = Atomic number
1 of 18
What is the relative mass of a proton, neutron and electron?
Proton = 1, Neutron = 1 & Electron = very small.
2 of 18
What is the definition of a mass number of an atom?
The total number of protons and neutrons.
3 of 18
What is the name for an atom of the same element, but with a different number of neutrons?
4 of 18
What is a relative formula massof a compound?
The sum of the relative atomic masses of the atoms in the numbers shown in a formula.
5 of 18
What is the definition of 1 mole of a substance?
The relative formula mass of a substance, in grams.
6 of 18
How can elements and compounds be detected and identified?
Using instrumental methods
7 of 18
What can chemical analysis be used for?
To identify additives in foods.
8 of 18
What can paper chromatography detect and identify?
Artificial colours
9 of 18
What does gas chromatography do?
It allows the separation of a mixture of compounds.
10 of 18
What can a gas chromatography column be linked to?
Mass spectrometer
11 of 18
What can a mass spectrometer be used for?
To identify the substances leaving the end of the gas chromatography column. It can also give the relative molecular mass of each of the substances separated in the column.
12 of 18
How can the percentage of an element be calculated be calculated?
From the relative mass of the element in the formula and the relative formula mass of the compound.
13 of 18
How can the empirical formula of a compound be calculated?
From the masses or percentages of the elements in a compound.
14 of 18
How can the masses of reactants and products be calculated?
From balanced symbol equations.
15 of 18
What is the yield of a reaction?
The amount of a product obtained.
16 of 18
What is the percentage yield?
When the yield of a reaction is compared as a percentage to the maximum theoretical yield.
17 of 18
What are reversible reactions?
When the products of the reaction can react to produce the original reactants.
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the relative mass of a proton, neutron and electron?


Proton = 1, Neutron = 1 & Electron = very small.

Card 3


What is the definition of a mass number of an atom?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the name for an atom of the same element, but with a different number of neutrons?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a relative formula massof a compound?


Preview of the front of card 5
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