Assessment C

  • Created by: gracieEd
  • Created on: 16-11-21 20:35
Type of cell division used for growth, repair and asexual reproduction.
Produces 2 identical daughter cells - diploid cells.
Occurs everywhere except testes and ovaries.
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Type of cell division that produces gametes and involved in sexual reproduction.
Produces 4 non-identical daughter cells - haploid cells.
Occurs in testes and ovaries.
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Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotics deal with bacterial infections - do not kill viruses.
Bacteria reproduce and evolve rapidly - chance of mutation each time (variation) - some strains resistant, some not - resistant more likely to survive - allele passed on.
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Asexual Reproduction
Genetic information from 1 parent used to produce offspring - often called clones.
No gametes are produced.
No mixing of genetic material.
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Sexual Reproduction
Genetic information from 2 parents combined through use of gametes (sex cells).
Gametes fuse - fertilisation.
Offspring not identical.
Genetic variation.
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Genetic Engineering Advantages
GM crops generally show increased yields.
Can be used to treat diabetes.
In future, could be used to treat other inherited diseases.
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Genetic Engineering Disadvantages
GM crops can affects wild plants and insects.
Uncertainty about the effects of GM crops on human health.
Ethical concerns for about genetic engineering for
inherited disorders.
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The variety of different species of organisms on Earth, or within an ecosystem. It is important to conserve the variety of living organisms on Earth.
Increasing biodiversity can be achieved by diversifying the range of habitats or vegetation structures a
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Biodiversity Increased (examples)
Breeding programs to help preserve endangered species.
Protection and development of new endangered habitats, often by making National Parks. Replanting hedgerows as there is higher biodiversity in them than the fields they surround. Reducing deforestatio
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Animal Adaptations
Traits that increase suitability to a species' environment.
e.g. polar bear's thick, white fur
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Natural Selection
All organisms produce more offspring than the environment can support.
Only the best suited to the environment will survive and reproduce.
Variations between members of the same species - shows best suited
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Natural Selection Model
Variation in population > Selection pressure
> Less adapted/better adapted > Less likely to survive/more likely to survive > Die or don't reproduce/survive and reproduce > Pass on alleles to offspring > Beneficial allele increases in the population.
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Abiotic Factors
An abiotic factor is a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment
e.g. soil, rainfall, humidity, temperature, pH, climate.
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Biotic Factors
Biotic factors are living or once-living organisms in the ecosystem. These are capable of reproduction e.g. humans, insects, wild animals, birds, bacteria.
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Deforestation Issues
The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.
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Gamete Production Site
The testes are the site of gamete production in males. The male gamete = sperm.
The ovaries are the site in females. The female gamete = eggs.
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Sex Chromosomes
A type of chromosome that participates in sex determination. Humans and most other mammals have two sex chromosomes, the X and the Y. Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have both X and a Y chromosomes in their cells.
The human sex
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Type of cell division that produces gametes and involved in sexual reproduction.
Produces 4 non-identical daughter cells - haploid cells.
Occurs in testes and ovaries.



Card 3


Antibiotics deal with bacterial infections - do not kill viruses.
Bacteria reproduce and evolve rapidly - chance of mutation each time (variation) - some strains resistant, some not - resistant more likely to survive - allele passed on.


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Card 4


Genetic information from 1 parent used to produce offspring - often called clones.
No gametes are produced.
No mixing of genetic material.


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Card 5


Genetic information from 2 parents combined through use of gametes (sex cells).
Gametes fuse - fertilisation.
Offspring not identical.
Genetic variation.


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