Asexual and sexual reproduction

  • Created by: AIV17
  • Created on: 29-04-21 05:44
What is asexual reproduction?
a process resulting in the production of genetically identical offspring from one parent
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What are examples of asexual reproduction?
Hydra reproduces by growing a bud from itself, which will break away to form a separate. A Kalanchoe grows tiny platelets along the edges of its leaves, which will drop off and grow ther own roots
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What are the advantages of asexual reproduction to a population of a species in the wild?
It can be increased rapidly when conditions are right, its offspring would adapt if the plant adapts to the environment, and it can reproduce by itself if isolated
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What are the disadvantages of asexual reproduction to a population of a species in the wild?
There is limited variation, so it is vulnerable to changes in environment and may only be suited for one habitat, and a disease may affect them all
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What is sexual reproduction?
a process involving the fusion of the nuclei of two gametes to form a zygote, and the production of offspring that are genetically different from each other
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What type of cells are the nuclei of gametes?
Haploid because they only have one copy of each chromsome
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What type of cells are the nuclei of a zygote?
Diploid, for it has the full 46 chromosomes
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What are the advantages of sexual reproduction to a population of a species in the wild?
Increases genetic variation, so some may adapt to the environment when others can't and a disease may not affect all the population.
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What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction to a population of a species in the wild?
It takes time and energy to find mates, and it is difficult for isolated species to reproduce
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Card 2


What are examples of asexual reproduction?


Hydra reproduces by growing a bud from itself, which will break away to form a separate. A Kalanchoe grows tiny platelets along the edges of its leaves, which will drop off and grow ther own roots

Card 3


What are the advantages of asexual reproduction to a population of a species in the wild?


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Card 4


What are the disadvantages of asexual reproduction to a population of a species in the wild?


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Card 5


What is sexual reproduction?


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