Asch's Study - Describe and Evaluate


1. What is the Asch Effect?

  • The extent to which people conform, even if the answer is clear
  • The extent to which people conform, even if there is a dissenter
  • The extent to which people conform, even if the true nature of the experiment is clear
  • The extent to which people conform, even when the other 'participants' are strangers
1 of 9

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2. How many participants were used for Asch's study?

  • 396
  • 123
  • 24
  • 6

3. What was the maximum amount of confederates that made a difference to conformity levels (31.8%)?

  • 1
  • 10
  • 3
  • 2

4. Who said conformity was higher in Collectivist cultures, than Individualist ones?

  • Fiske
  • Neto
  • Bond + Smith
  • Perrin + Spencer

5. Who said that women may be more conformist than men?

  • Neto
  • Fiske
  • Kelman
  • Fromm


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