Other questions in this quiz

2. What was the aim of Asch's study?

  • To see if people obey authority figures against their own morality
  • To see how minority influence affects majority
  • If social pressure can affect a person to conform
  • How people conform to social roles

3. There was 18 trials in total during Asch's lines study, How many were critical trials?

  • 18
  • 12
  • 10
  • 16

4. How many participants did not conform during any of the trials in Asch's lines experiment?

  • 50%
  • 75%
  • 25%
  • 5%

5. What were all the confederates instructed to do?

  • Give mostly right answers
  • State the same wrong answer
  • Say different wrong answers
  • Give some right answers and some wrong answers


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