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6. What did Asch's study demonstrate as being a reason for conformity?

  • Identification
  • ISI
  • ISI and NSI
  • NSI

7. How many participants did not conform during any of the trials in Asch's lines experiment?

  • 75%
  • 5%
  • 25%
  • 50%

8. What was the aim of Asch's study?

  • To see how minority influence affects majority
  • How people conform to social roles
  • If social pressure can affect a person to conform
  • To see if people obey authority figures against their own morality

9. What participants did the study include

  • 40 males, volunteer sample from newspaper
  • 123 undergraduate males from America
  • 172 voluntary participants from America
  • 50 male and female university students

10. Each participant was tested individually with a group of what?

  • 10 confederates
  • 3-5 confederates
  • 6-8 confederates
  • 4 confederates