as biology unit 1

what is the name of any organism that causes disease
1 of 10
how do pathogens enter the body
gas exchange system, skin, digestive system
2 of 10
what 2 ways do pathogens cause disease
production of toxins and cell damage
3 of 10
what are antigens
molecules found on the surface of cells
4 of 10
what wbc activates b cells
t cells
5 of 10
what is antigenic variation
when pathogens change their surface antigens
6 of 10
what are monoclonal antibodies
antibodies produced from a single group of genetically identical b cells
7 of 10
what is an ethical issue on vaccines
they are tested on animals first
8 of 10
what are disadvantage of taking a vaccine orally
could be broken down by enzymes in the gut or the molecules are too big to be aborbed into the blood
9 of 10
what are the two responses that the immune system is split into
humoral and cellular
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


how do pathogens enter the body


gas exchange system, skin, digestive system

Card 3


what 2 ways do pathogens cause disease


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are antigens


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what wbc activates b cells


Preview of the front of card 5
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