
  • Created by: exam yes
  • Created on: 05-05-19 17:52
What are the four subphyla of the arthropod phylum?
Myriapoda, Hexapoda, Crustacea and Chelicerata
1 of 10
What animals belong to the Crustaceans?
Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps, Woodlice and Barnacles
2 of 10
What 5 animals belong to the class Arachnid in Chelicerata and how many legs do they have?
Spiders, mites, scorpions, ticks and harvestmen, commonly have 8 legs
3 of 10
Which order do spiders belong to in the Arachnid class?
4 of 10
Some scorpians have a whip like tail, but what order do they belong to in the Arachnid class?
5 of 10
What is tanning?
The chemical process that hardens the exoskeleton after ecdysis
6 of 10
Describe the appendages of the hexapod insects?
1 air antennae, 2 wings and 3 pairs of legs
7 of 10
Which division of hexapods have wings?
The Pterygota division
8 of 10
Describe the complete development of insects...
Where the young (larvae) don't resemble the adults, e.g. caterpillars and butterflies. Sequence = egg, larva, pupa/chrysalis
9 of 10
Describe the gradual development of insects...
Where the young (nymphs) grow gradually into the adults by shredding their skin. Sequence = egg, nymph and adult . E.g. grasshoppers
10 of 10

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Card 2


What animals belong to the Crustaceans?


Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps, Woodlice and Barnacles

Card 3


What 5 animals belong to the class Arachnid in Chelicerata and how many legs do they have?


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Card 4


Which order do spiders belong to in the Arachnid class?


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Card 5


Some scorpians have a whip like tail, but what order do they belong to in the Arachnid class?


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