Aristotle's Four Causes

quick quiz on the four causes

  • Created by: Lottie
  • Created on: 24-11-11 17:43

1. What is the material cause?

  • the matter or substance from which something is made
  • what gives the matter its forms/ structure
  • rejects that Plato existed, rejected that there was a God
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. How is Aristotle's philosophy different from Plato's?

  • it emphasises the value of studying the physical world, rejects Plato's theory of Forms, rejects dualism and Plato's understanding of the soul
  • rejects that Plato existed, rejected that there was a God
  • rejects that objects exist

3. What is the Formal cause?

  • rejects that Plato existed, rejected that there was a God
  • what gives the matter its forms/ structure
  • it emphasises the value of studying the physical world, rejects Plato's theory of Forms, rejects dualism and Plato's understanding of the soul

4. Name some qualities of the prime mover

  • It is fake, unreal, and just an idea
  • uncaused causer,exists by necessity,it is the Final Cause, it is linked with God
  • rejects that Plato existed, rejected that there was a God

5. How is Aristotle linked with Christianity?

  • came up with the early forms of cosmological arguments, used to explain the Catholic belief of the presence of Jesus in bread and wine and influenced medievel thing about the nature of God
  • He wrote the Bible and met God
  • rejects that Plato existed, rejected that there was a God




some of the questions were good but you kept repeating some of the answers which were so obviously wrong making it easy to get them right without really having to think or know much about it, but it did help me as I really struggle with this part of my course so I have used some of the definitions, so thanks xxxxxx



Oh soz just trying to help everyone out here haha :)

Natalia Rnic


Some of the answers to a few of your questions were misleading and incorrect which could disturb some revision. Ill give you a few examples to help - 

Question 4 - the prime mover is not the final cause because initially it is the prime mover - the final cause is the purpose of the object NOT the prime mover which makes the object happen in the first place.

and your final cause question - its the purpose not why something is the way it is.

I hope you value my notes and use them to help you.

Kim Slim



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