Aristotle's Virtue Theory

What is the focus of Virtue Theory?
Developing one's moral character, not blind obedience to ethical codes.
1 of 10
How do you develop Virtuous behaviour?
By applying wisdom to get the highest human good, Eudaimonia, meaning human flourishing.
2 of 10
What is one type of person made by the doctrine?
The Sophran (naturally lives in the mean without effort)
3 of 10
What is one type of person made by the doctrine?
The Enkrates (they are tempted, but have strong enough will power to live in the mean)
4 of 10
What is one type of person made by the doctrine?
The Akrates (is weak and can't live in the mean by overcoming temptation of the vices)
5 of 10
What are the four key virtues?
Temperance, Courage, Justice and Wisdom
6 of 10
Why are the four key virtues important?
They are seen as important for a character to develop
7 of 10
What promotes Virtue Theory?
Some think that the Beatitudes, found in the sermon on the mount, promotes it.
8 of 10
What is one problem with the theory?
The idea of virtues is vague and it doesn't provide specific ethical support for ethical problems like abortion and war.
9 of 10
Name another problem with the theory?
Aristotle said it was difficult to define the 'mean'. Raises the question of how is this even suitable for society?
10 of 10

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Card 2


How do you develop Virtuous behaviour?


By applying wisdom to get the highest human good, Eudaimonia, meaning human flourishing.

Card 3


What is one type of person made by the doctrine?


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Card 4


What is one type of person made by the doctrine?


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Card 5


What is one type of person made by the doctrine?


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