Other questions in this quiz

2. Which type of pathogen releases toxins

  • Virus'
  • Bacteria

3. Why are Virus' not considered to be alive?

  • they do not need minerals
  • they can only live on other organisms cells
  • they cannot reproduce inside the body
  • they are made of a protein coat

4. which of these is not a way in which your body prevents microbes from entering your body?

  • your stomach acid digests them in your stomach
  • you can close your mouth to prevent microbes entering
  • platelets in your blood clot blood when you bleed
  • mucus in your lungs catches and consumes them
  • You have skin

5. What is an antibody

  • something produced by white blood cells which attatch onto bacteria and kill them
  • the plural of antigen
  • small bits on bacteria which identify them
  • a type of toxin released by virus'
  • something to neutralize toxins produced by white blood cells which relieves symptoms




This is good

grania likh


viruses dont release toxins. only bacteria do.



grania likh wrote: viruses dont release toxins. only bacteria do.

Yeah! I thought viruses just break through cells so that the virus will spread...

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