AQA Sociology Educational Policies

  • Created by: Claudia
  • Created on: 31-05-18 17:21
1870 - State introduced elementary education for ages 5-10 years old
Forster Education Act
1 of 5
1940 - aim to provide equality of educational opportunity. Tripartite system
Butler Education Act
2 of 5
1965 - aimed at overcomming class divide of the tripartite system and make education more meritocratic. LEA's intorduced
Comprehansive System
3 of 5
1988 - Margret Thatcher and conservative government sought to introduce marketing into education system. Parentocracy and National Curriculum
Education Reform Act
4 of 5
1997-2010 - parentocract disguised class inequality. It was a myth
New Labour
5 of 5

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Card 2


1940 - aim to provide equality of educational opportunity. Tripartite system


Butler Education Act

Card 3


1965 - aimed at overcomming class divide of the tripartite system and make education more meritocratic. LEA's intorduced


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


1988 - Margret Thatcher and conservative government sought to introduce marketing into education system. Parentocracy and National Curriculum


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


1997-2010 - parentocract disguised class inequality. It was a myth


Preview of the front of card 5


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