What was the Homestead Act, and when was it created??
It was created in 1862. Lands to those willing to move west and improve the property.
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What was the Morril Act and when was it created??
It was created in 1862. Allowed states to sell land and use $ for colleges.
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What was the effect of the Rise of Big Bussiness??
- Industrialization
- lower prices
- bigger gap btwn. rich and poor
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How did Big Bussiness lower prices??
- cheaper material
- cheaper labor
- vertical integration
- Horizontal integration
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What is vertical integration??
own every part of the production process
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What is horizontal integration??
Buy competitors. ex: Rockefeller
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What were some organizations that came from the American Labor Movement??
- Famer's Alliance
- Knight's of labor
- America's federation of labor
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What was Consumer culture like??
it SEEMED democratic
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What were somethings that led to the making of modern America??
- public spaces less masculine
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During the New Metropolis, how did the city grow??
- Industrialization, not just commercial or financial
- Mass transit: move people around
- Electric light
- Skyscraper
- Immagrints: rural and foreign
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What are political machines??
- the private developers with the city by granting contracts have built-in graft
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What was the Interstate Commerce Act and when was it created??
Regulate railroads created in 1887
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What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and when was it created??
Regulate Monopolies created in 1890
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What is the Lodge Bill and when was it created??
Failed in Senate; protect the Black vote in the South. Created in 1890
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What is the Populist Party (People's Party)??
- they wanted greater democracy
- made up of farmer's and common men
- went national in 1892
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What is the Jacksonian Democrats??
- wanted to destroy the American system because it only favored some people.
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What was the time period for the Reform Reshaped??
1901-1912 (Protecting the Poor)
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When was McKinely Elected??
in 1896 (no reformer) and reflected in 1900
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Theodore Roosevelt
Elected in Sept. 190
- Republicans moved toward reform
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What is the Pure Food and Drug Act and when was it created??
Created in 1906. "MEAT SCANDAL"
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The Election of 1912
a. TR: Progressive-New Nationalism: federal child labor law, women's suffrage, control private property to aid public welfare
b. Taft: Republican-less reform-minded, big business policies
c. Wilson: Democrat-New Freedom: reform-minded, but not as far
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What is the Republican Vision??
Strong Fed. Government
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What is the Glided Age??
the industrial era of political corruption.
gilded= looks good but actually isn’t
Dominated by businessmen
Government policies favorable toward big business such as laissez-faire when the gov’t wasn’t involved in the economy
the nation of farmers —> fact
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the Morril Act and when was it created??


It was created in 1862. Allowed states to sell land and use $ for colleges.

Card 3


What was the effect of the Rise of Big Bussiness??


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Big Bussiness lower prices??


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is vertical integration??


Preview of the front of card 5
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