Approaches to Global Politcs

Who wrote in the Prince 1513 that states are "Greedy for Profit"?
1 of 39
Who predicted that there would be a war of all against all?
2 of 39
In what terms did Morgenthau say statesmen act in?
3 of 39
What did Aristotle say people had knowledge of?
Good and Evil
4 of 39
Who said in time standing armies will be totally abolished?
5 of 39
When was the Peace of Westphalia?
6 of 39
What are the rights and duties of the state as set out by the montevideo convention of 1933?
A defined territory, A permanent population, an effective government, sovereignty.
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What is a nation state?
Bound by a common cultural aspect like language, religion or history, forming a natural political community with shared loyalty
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What is Primordialism?
Nations based on deeply historical groups, cultural heritage which predates statehood which have evolved organically and belongs to a territory.
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What is Modernism?
Believers that nationalism is a modern concept that is used to resolve social tensions that arose out of capitalism and industrialisation.
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What is Civic Nationalism (liberal)?
Cultural Diversity united by political and social allegiance
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What is Ethnic Nationalism? (Realist)
Nationalism based on strengthening the sameness between people
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Nationalism: Realist Persective
Not a huge emphasis on it. Believe it is key for sustaining anarchy
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Nationalism: Liberal
Endorse Nationalism. A natural community, a world of independent nation states creating world peace for nationalistic aims.
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Social Constructivist perspective on Nationalism?
Critical of the Primordialist image of fixed national identities. Sympathise with Modernists.
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What is a Transnational Community?
Communities with no nation state. E.g. the Jewish protection of Hebrew despite no nation state.
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What is the state centric/billiard ball model of states?
States are the key actors domestically and internationally. They remain the most important and influential actors, and independent of one another.
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Define internal Sovereignty.
Location of sovereignty within a state. An unchallengeable authority within a state’s borders. The monopoly of legitimate means of violence and force etc.
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Define External Soveriegnty
The ability of a state to act independently on an international stage. Legally equal and political independence.
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What model has threatened the Nation state?
Mixed Actor Model
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Who said “Traditional nation-states have become unnatural, even impossible units in a global economy” ?
Kenichi Ohmae
21 of 39
What is the mixed actor model?
States are key actors, but other interests and groups are able to influence international politics.
22 of 39
Each year how much does the private sector invest in Britain vs the Government?
4 times as much
23 of 39
How much money was lost after 9/11?
$1.4 trillion
24 of 39
How much did the IMF say loss from the credit crunch totalled?
$1 trillion
25 of 39
When were bitcoins made?
26 of 39
What did India decline in 2011?
£300bn investment from Carrefour, Walmart and Tesco.
27 of 39
How much money is transferred on CHIPS (internet money wiring) each year?
$400 trillion
28 of 39
What is Burundi's main export (75%)?
29 of 39
UN: How has famine been effected by the UN food program?
Decreased from 70 million to 20 million (2017)
30 of 39
UN: How many people have gained access to drinking water since 1990?
2.6 billion
31 of 39
How much has overseas aid increased to thanks to the UN?
32 of 39
How many countries are actually represented individually on the IMF?
8, 187 others represented by 16 representatives.
33 of 39
What did a UN study show the world's poorest were more likely own than a toilet?
A mobile phone
34 of 39
How much has internet users grown since 2005?
3.5 billion
35 of 39
How many countries have a McDonalds?
36 of 39
What language is half of internet traffic conducted in?
37 of 39
How many flights a month occur globally?
2.3 million
38 of 39
How many migrants are there globally?
2 million
39 of 39

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who predicted that there would be a war of all against all?



Card 3


In what terms did Morgenthau say statesmen act in?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Aristotle say people had knowledge of?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who said in time standing armies will be totally abolished?


Preview of the front of card 5
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