Approaches in psychology- behaviourism

  • Created by: laiba2.0
  • Created on: 08-11-21 19:33
how does token of economic system help in real life
it helps by rewarding people in prisons with incentives that helps promote positive beheviour by conditioning them
1 of 6
outline the scientific credibility in behaviourist approach?
the behaviourists approach emphasizes on scientific methods of study in highly controlled lab studies and promotes on using objectivity and replication. wundts study did not have this so it was rejected and so behaviourism state all studies should be in l
2 of 6
what are humans and animals seen as in behaviourisms approach?
as passive machine like responders with little insight into their environment and conscious beheviour
3 of 6
what approaches do focus on the mental factor in beheviour
social learning theory and cog approach focus on the mediational process in beheviour showing learning is more complex then just observing
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how is behaviorism a form of environmental determinism?
because it focuses on past beheviour and explains why people take certien actions.
5 of 6
what did skinner refer to as an illusion?
skinner suggested free will was an illusion and that the way we react is conditioned into us before hand.
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Card 2


outline the scientific credibility in behaviourist approach?


the behaviourists approach emphasizes on scientific methods of study in highly controlled lab studies and promotes on using objectivity and replication. wundts study did not have this so it was rejected and so behaviourism state all studies should be in l

Card 3


what are humans and animals seen as in behaviourisms approach?


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Card 4


what approaches do focus on the mental factor in beheviour


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Card 5


how is behaviorism a form of environmental determinism?


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