applied science A2 quiz

state what is meant by the term polarised?
is where only one plane wavelength can pass through
1 of 8
in relation to Q1, suggest why neighbouring transmitters need to emit signals in this way?
so they is no interference
2 of 8
name the properties of a thermal imaging camera that tells the user how well it can distinguish between two small objects when there is a big temperature difference between them?
spatial resolution
3 of 8
endoscopes used for medical examinations uses?
an incoherent bundle of multimodes fibres and a coherent bundle of multimode fibres
4 of 8
state what the letters FM stand for?
frequency modulation
5 of 8
state what the letters AM stand for?
amplitude modulation
6 of 8
state the name given to communicate system that only works in one direction at a time?
half duplex
7 of 8
state the name given to communicate system that works in 2 direction at a time?
full duplex
8 of 8

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Card 2


in relation to Q1, suggest why neighbouring transmitters need to emit signals in this way?


so they is no interference

Card 3


name the properties of a thermal imaging camera that tells the user how well it can distinguish between two small objects when there is a big temperature difference between them?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


endoscopes used for medical examinations uses?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


state what the letters FM stand for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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