Animals for food

Give a reason for why people eat meat.
People believe having canine teeth proves we are built to eat meat.
1 of 5
Give three examples for why people become vegetarian.
health conditions, the way animals are killed is cruel, religious- Muslims don''t eat pork as they find the way pigs live dirty
2 of 5
Give a teaching for why Christians dont eat meat, and explain the meaning
"stewardship" which means we shouldn't eat meat as animals are God's creation
3 of 5
Give a teaching for why Christians eat meat, and explain the meaning
"rise peter, kill and eat" which means we need meat to survive
4 of 5
True or false, they are no specific Christian food laws
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give three examples for why people become vegetarian.


health conditions, the way animals are killed is cruel, religious- Muslims don''t eat pork as they find the way pigs live dirty

Card 3


Give a teaching for why Christians dont eat meat, and explain the meaning


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Card 4


Give a teaching for why Christians eat meat, and explain the meaning


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Card 5


True or false, they are no specific Christian food laws


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