
How does Faure define anarchism?
The negation to the principle of authority
1 of 9
Authority gives rise to what?
The psychology of power
2 of 9
What does Proudhon say about the state?
To be governed is to be watched over
3 of 9
What are the 5 features of the state according to anarchists?
Sovereign, Compulsory, Exploitative, Coercive and Destructive
4 of 9
Government is symbolised by what?
The club, the gun, the handcuff or the prison
5 of 9
How does war relate to the state?
War is the health of the state
6 of 9
How does Godwin view human nature?
They are rational creatures inclined by education to live in accordance with moral laws
7 of 9
What does Rousseau say about utopianism?
Man was born free yet everywhere he is in chains
8 of 9
How does social order arise?
Naturally without the machinery of the law and order
9 of 9

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Card 2


Authority gives rise to what?


The psychology of power

Card 3


What does Proudhon say about the state?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the 5 features of the state according to anarchists?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Government is symbolised by what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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