An Inspector Calls CONTEXT

the ?, an economic slump hit british industries
big increase in ? and workers faced ?
big increase in UNEMPLOYMENT and workers faced POVERTY
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gender roles for middle class included
work to support ?
protect women from ? things

marry into ? so they don't have to work
didn't do any household ?
work to support family
protect women from undisturbing things

marry into money so they don't have to work
didn't do any household jobs
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parents were supposed to have influence over their ?
sheila and eric have their own influence when inspector arrives
parents were supposed ton have influence over their LIFE
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priestley suggests that the ?/? classes didn't question the system because...
they also overlook social issues because its easier to ? unpleasant things than ? with them
middle/upper classes didn't question the system because it worked for them
they also overlook social issues because its easier to IGNORE unpleasant things than DEAL with them
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priestley presents the ? class as victims of the system
the miseries eva suffered were common to "millions and..." of people
priestley presents the WORKING class as victims of the system
"millions and millions"
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People of higher classes think ? is all that matters
Priestley suggests that people should be judged by their ?, not by what ? they are in
people of higher classes think CLASS is all that matters
Priestley suggests that people should be judged by their ACTIONS, not by what CLASS they are in
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people going to watch the play were mostly ? class
Priestley's presentation of ? might have caused audience members to question their own ? and prejudices
people going to watch the play were mostly MIDDLE class
priestley's representation of EVA might have caused audience to question their own ACTIONS and prejudices
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priestley suggests that capitalism is an ? system that exploits the ? so the rich get richer
capitalism is an unfair system
that exploits the poor so the rich get richer
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gerald croft represents socialism/capitalism
represents the ? class that exploit the ?
represents capitalism
represents the upper class that exploit the poor
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? and ? use their social position to exploit eva sexually
symbolic of the rich exploiting the poor in a ? society
gerald and eric use their social position to exploit eva sexually
symbolic of rich exploiting the poor in a capitalist society
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the inspector represents capitalism/socialism
and is priestley's ?
suggests that rich should use their ? to look after the poor
inspector represents socialism
and is priestley's mouthpiece
rich should use their wealth to look after the poor
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socialism states that the rich have ? towards the poor
which is the central ? of the play
rich have a responsibility towards the poor
which is the central message of the play
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he writes the play in ? as the ? world war is coming to an end
britain was under great threat from ? so people had to ? together
writes the play in 1945 as the second world war is coming to an ed=nd
britain was under great threat from germany so people had to work together
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the ? world war gave priestley a glimpse on how society could be if it used a more ? approach
second world war gave priestley a glimpse on how society could be if it used a more socialist approach
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priestley sets the play in ? as britain was about to undergo change
it was a fair/unfair society
? weren't treated equally
priestley sets play in 1945 as britain was about to undergo change
it was an unfair society
women weren't treated equally
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in ?, there was change
fight for greater ? and working ?
inspector reminds mr birling that public men have ? as well as ?
in 1945, there was change
fight for greater rights and working conditions
inspector reminds mr birling that public men have responsibilities as well as privileges
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? of the higher class were not expected to work
so their status was defined by what their ? did
women's ? were not recognised
women of higher class were not expected to work
so their status was defined by what their husband did
women's skills were not recognised
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women who were working class had to work to ?
they had even less rights than working class ?
this made it easier for the males to exploit ? like eva
women who were working class had to work to survive
they had less rights than working class men
this made it easier for males to exploit women like eva
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


gender roles for middle class included
work to support ?
protect women from ? things

marry into ? so they don't have to work
didn't do any household ?


work to support family
protect women from undisturbing things

marry into money so they don't have to work
didn't do any household jobs

Card 3


parents were supposed to have influence over their ?
sheila and eric have their own influence when inspector arrives


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


priestley suggests that the ?/? classes didn't question the system because...
they also overlook social issues because its easier to ? unpleasant things than ? with them


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


priestley presents the ? class as victims of the system
the miseries eva suffered were common to "millions and..." of people


Preview of the front of card 5
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