
Resources such as money, goods, food (etc) given by one country to another.
1 of 9
Aid from one country to another.
Bilateral aid
2 of 9
Aid used to provide basic health care for communities. Clean drinking water and money for education.
Bottom-up aid
3 of 9
Aid that is given over a significant period of time that aims to promote economic development.
Long-term aid
4 of 9
Aid that goes to international organisations, (The World Bank) who redistribute it to development projects.
Multilateral aid
5 of 9
Aid that provides immediate relief after disasters and other emergencies.
Short-term aid
6 of 9
Aid which has conditions attached as to how it is used.
Tied aid
7 of 9
Aid given so that governments can operate more efficiently / provide essential infrastructure.
Top-down aid
8 of 9
Aid that comes from money raised by non- governmental organisations.
Voluntary aid
9 of 9

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Card 2


Aid from one country to another.


Bilateral aid

Card 3


Aid used to provide basic health care for communities. Clean drinking water and money for education.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Aid that is given over a significant period of time that aims to promote economic development.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Aid that goes to international organisations, (The World Bank) who redistribute it to development projects.


Preview of the front of card 5
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