
  • Created by: Anjelala
  • Created on: 21-04-13 18:47
What type pf adaptations do some animals have to reduce eat loss?
Anatomical adapations
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How does an arctic fox reduce heat loss?
An artic fox has thick fur that traps plenty of air for insulation
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How does a seal reduce heat loss?
A seal has thin fur but a thick layer of fat under the skin
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What does it mean if an animal has anatomical adaption?
It means that they have excellent insulation to cut down heat loss.
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How would having small ears help reduce heat loss?
Small ears help decrease heat loss by decreasing the surface are to volume ratio.
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How do animals try to avoid the cold?
Animals try to avoid the cold by changing their behaviour.
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give 2 examples of how animals change their behaviour to avoid the cold?
>Some migrate long distances to warmer areas Some slow down all their body process and hibernate.
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How do penguines reduce heat heat loss?
To reduce heat loss, Penguines have a counter- current heat exchange mechanism.
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What is biochemial adaptions?
Some organisms that live in the cold climates may have boichemical adaptions.
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Give an example of a biochemical adaption.
Anitfreeze proteins in an organism's cells.
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Name an animal and a plant that live in ver ho and dry conditions...
>A camel and a Cacti.
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WHat are two way that animals increase heat loss?
1))Animals may anatomical adaptions 2)) Animals may have behavioual adaptions
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Name one adaption of a camel..
Camels can survive with little water because they can produce very concentrated urine.
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Nae one adaptionof a cacti...
Cacti reduce water loss becuse they have deep roots nd can store water in the stem.
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How may a animal change their behaviour to reduce heat loss?
They may seek shad during the hotter ours around the midde of the day .
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WHat are the 3 tyoes of adptions that organisms have to cope with the hot and dry conditions?
They have behavioural, anatomical and physiological adaptions.
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What are organisms that can survive in hot conditions called ?
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Give an example of a extremophiles...
Some bacteria cn live in hot springs as they have enzymes that do not denature at temperatures as high as 100 deegres celcius.
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What are specialists?
Specialists ae organisms that are very well adapted to living in specific habitats.
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Give an example of a specialist...
Polar bears are specialists
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What are generalists?
Generalists are organisms that can live in several habitats
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Give an example of a generalist...
Rats are a generalist.
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What will the difference be between the ears of anials living in cold areas and animals living in hot areas?
Animals livng in hot areas usually have large ears and animals living in cold areas normally have smaller eaars.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does an arctic fox reduce heat loss?


An artic fox has thick fur that traps plenty of air for insulation

Card 3


How does a seal reduce heat loss?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does it mean if an animal has anatomical adaption?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How would having small ears help reduce heat loss?


Preview of the front of card 5
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