A2 Section C - Computer Systems

What does CADMAT stand for?
Computer Aided Design, Manufacture and Testing
1 of 13
What is CADMAT?
The integration of computer systems at every point of manufacture.
2 of 13
Why do manufacturers use CADMAT?
They are adaptable and accurate. They provide cost-effective, fast, high-quality production.
3 of 13
Give 3 examples of where computers may be used.
Creative and technical design; modelling and testing before production; communicating with clients; managing stock; planning production; controlling equipment; monitoring quality & safety
4 of 13
What does PDM systems stand for?
Product Data Management systems
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What is PDM? What is it an example of?
Integrates all aspects of manufacturing; an example of 'electronic product definition' (EPD) systems.
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What does PDM software do?
Organise and communicate accurate, up-to-date information in a database, monitor production and enabling fast, efficient and cost-effective manufacturing on a global scale.
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What is Real Time Processing?
Updating of data at the time the events are happening, such as work in progress.
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Give 3 advantages to Real Time Processing.
Increased productivity, improved quality control, improved costing, reduced labour turnover, reduction in wage costs.
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When was Just in Time (JIT) developed?
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What is JITs aim?
Meet customer orders quickly, at the required level of quality, the right quantity and minimum waste of materials, time and resources.
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Why are JIT and QR manufacturing processes combined?
Reduces need for raw material stock, space for keeping stock, finished goods in stock, cuts cost of tying money up in stock
12 of 13
How is JIT applied to textiles?
Workers are divided into teams, who carry their garment round a group of machines. They work at a bundle at a time so there is no work in progress, with a production manager giving constant feedback.
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is CADMAT?


The integration of computer systems at every point of manufacture.

Card 3


Why do manufacturers use CADMAT?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give 3 examples of where computers may be used.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does PDM systems stand for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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