A2 Biology Key Definitions.

A change in the environment which causes a response.
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A change in behaviour or physiology as a result of the change in an environment.
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Maintaining the internal environment in a constant state despite external changes.
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Negative Feedback:
A process which causes a reversal of a change in conditions. It ensures that a constant state can be maintained and is therefore essential for homeostasis.
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Positive Feedback:
A process that increases any change detected. It doesn't lead to homeostasis.
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An organism which relies on external heat to regulate its core body temperature.
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An organism that can maintain the core body temperature within strict limits and are independent of external temperature.
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Sensory Receptors:
Specialised cells which detect a change in surroundings.
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Saltatory Conduction:
When the action potential appears to jump from node to node.
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A molecule released into the blood that acts as a chemical messenger.
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Endocrine Glands:
The glands that secrete hormones straight into the blood.
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Exocrine Glands:
The glands that secrete substances into a duct.
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Target Cells:
Those that possess a specific receptor for many hormones.
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Adenyl Cyclase:
The enzyme associated with the receptor for many hormones.
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First Messenger:
The hormone that transmits a signal around the body.
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Second Messenger:
Where cAMP transmits a signal inside of a cell.
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Islets of Langerhans:
Areas of a cell within a pancreas. They have alpha and beta cells and have a rich blood supply. They secrete hormones into the blood.
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Diabetes Mellitus:
Disease where blood glucose concentrations can't be controlled effectively.
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Where the blood glucose concentration is too high.
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Where the blood glucose concentration is too low.
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The muscles that control their own contractions.
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The removal of metabolic waste.
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Turning amino acids into ammonia.
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Kupffer Cells:
Macrophages which break down and recycle old red blood cells.
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Excretory product formed by the break down of amino acids.
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Ornithine Cycle:
Where ammonia is converted to urea. It occurs in the cytosol and mitochondria.
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Receives fluid from capillaries in the cortex and converts it to urine.
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Network of capillaries. They increase the local blood pressure to squeeze fluid out of the blood.
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Bowman's Capsule:
Surrounds the Glomerulus. Fluid is pushed in by ultrafiltration.
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Afferent Blood Vessel:
Brings blood into the organ.
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Efferent Blood Vessel:
Takes blood away from the organ.
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Water permeable membrane.
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The process where energy is stored in molecules and used to make ATP.
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Metabolic reactions that build large molecules.
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Metabolic reactions that break large molecules up.
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Metabolic pathway where one glucose molecule is broken down into two pyruvate molecules.
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Where hydrogen ions flow through ATP synthase enzymes.
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The conversion of glycogen to glucose.
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The conversion of amino acids and fats to glucose.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A change in behaviour or physiology as a result of the change in an environment.



Card 3


Maintaining the internal environment in a constant state despite external changes.


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Card 4


A process which causes a reversal of a change in conditions. It ensures that a constant state can be maintained and is therefore essential for homeostasis.


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Card 5


A process that increases any change detected. It doesn't lead to homeostasis.


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