A post-industrial economy

What is a post-industrial economy?
where the manufacturing industry declines and is replaced by growth in the service and quaternary sectors. Happened in the UK from the 1970s
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How has the development of information technology moved the UK towards a post-industrial economy?
- internet access enables people to work from home
- over 1.3 million people work in the IT sector
- UK is one of the world's leading digital economies
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How have service industries moved the UK towards a post-industrial economy?
- contributes over 79% of UK's GDP
- world's leading centre for financial services; accounts for about 10% of the UK's GDP
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How has research moved the UK towards a post-industrial economy?
- employs over 60000 highly qualified people
- estimated to contribute over £3 billion to the UK economy
- UK research organisations include the NHS, BBC, Environment Agency
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The British Antarctic Survey
- employs over 500 highly skilled people in Cambridge, Antarctica and the Arctic
- linked to the University of Cambridge
- helps us understand the impact of humans on Earth's natural systems
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Card 2


How has the development of information technology moved the UK towards a post-industrial economy?


- internet access enables people to work from home
- over 1.3 million people work in the IT sector
- UK is one of the world's leading digital economies

Card 3


How have service industries moved the UK towards a post-industrial economy?


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Card 4


How has research moved the UK towards a post-industrial economy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The British Antarctic Survey


Preview of the front of card 5


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