A Level Language Acquisition Theorists

B.F. Skinner behaviourism
Proposed the idea that children learn through imitation and operant conditioning aids this. Positive and negative reinforcement enable development
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B.F. Skinner evaluation
+) Children are exposed to developed Standard English -) that does not mean they are instantly able to reel off a grammatically complete sentence
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Chomsky nativism
Argues that the human brain has a natural ability to acquire language known as a Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
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Chomsky evaluation
+) allows virtuous errors to prove the partial knowledge that we retain -) it pales no importance on the roe of caregivers, who a predominantly present in most children's development
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Piaget stages of development
He suggested that children would not develop until certain stages of cognitive development have been reached
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Piaget evaluation
+) children are able to develop their own understanding by exploring the world -) a child's cognitive ability needs to be present in order for language to reflect it -) conceptual understanding is also necessary
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Piaget's 4 stages of development
1) Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years) 2) Pre-operational stage (2-6/7 years) 3) Concrete operational stage
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Bruner social interaction
His research is focused on the importance of a child's interaction with a caregiver. a child's interaction with their Language Acquisition Support System (LASS) can allow their language to gradually be scaffold into the correct, developed form
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Bruner evaluation
+) the use of scaffolding enables caregivers to support, encourage and question a child, allowing their language to develop in the correct way -) he focuses solely on the quality of input from a caregiver (rather than reinforcement)
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Vygotsky scaffolding
Focused on the importance of 'doing' to her a child develop, so a caregiver acts as a knowledgeable other which can resultantly push the child into their zone of proximal development
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Vygotsky evaluation
+) the child can expand their language development into greater boundaries -) their is no acknowledgment of the cognitive side of learning
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Tomasello usage-based
He suggests that we develop our language via the linguistic information we are exposed to, where we then re-iterate it throughout our language development i.e. using pattern that sound the same to work our the pronunciation and spelling of words
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Tomasello evaluation
+) acknowledges that the quantity and quality of language that a child is exposed to needs to be overly-sufficient to aid their development -) does not involve any form of cognitive development
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Child Directed Speech (CDS)
The specific way in which caregivers speak to children
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Features of CDS
- intonation - more frequent/ longer pauses - slower speech - repetition - simple sentences - questioning - use of diminutives - expansions - recasts - politeness futures - mitigated imperatives
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Card 2


+) Children are exposed to developed Standard English -) that does not mean they are instantly able to reel off a grammatically complete sentence


B.F. Skinner evaluation

Card 3


Argues that the human brain has a natural ability to acquire language known as a Language Acquisition Device (LAD)


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Card 4


+) allows virtuous errors to prove the partial knowledge that we retain -) it pales no importance on the roe of caregivers, who a predominantly present in most children's development


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Card 5


He suggested that children would not develop until certain stages of cognitive development have been reached


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