A Key Terms (Sociology(

Affluent Worker
Highly paid manual workers who can afford middle class life styles
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This refers to people being treated differently because of age
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Agencies of social control
Institutions which try to make sure that it's members conform to society's norms and values.
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Anti-school cultures
The culture of groups of students who reject the goals and values of the school and replace them with their own goals such as messing about, being cheeky.
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A situation where traditional norms and values have broken down.
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Arranged Marriages
Marriages where the partners do not choose each other but are chosen by someone else, usually family members.
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Absolute Poverty
This refers to being without the essentials of life such as food, water, clothing and shelter.
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Agencies of socialisation
Institutions which teach people the culture of their society, for example, the family, religion.
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Card 2


This refers to people being treated differently because of age



Card 3


Institutions which try to make sure that it's members conform to society's norms and values.


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Card 4


The culture of groups of students who reject the goals and values of the school and replace them with their own goals such as messing about, being cheeky.


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Card 5


A situation where traditional norms and values have broken down.


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