3BDS: oral surgery 3

what is the bone composition?
hydroxyapatite (mineral 60%), 25% organic material- collagen type 1, non-fibrous ECM- the fibre in collagen gives strength to the mineralised structure. 15% water
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what does the alveolar and basal bone do?
Alveolar bone= supports the tooth
Basal bone= forms the structure itself of the jaw bone
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what bone gradually disseapers after an extraction?
After taking a tooth out, the alveolar bone gradually disappears. Leaving just the basal bone
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what lines the socket
lamina dura
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what is in the microscopic bone structure
Lamellae (cementing lines and osteocytes)
- Circumferential: outside of most cortical bone
- Concentric: organised in Haversian systems/osteons
- Interstitial: remnants of old lamellae
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what are the 2 types of bone formation
 Endochondral ossification
Cartilage- calcified cartilage- bone
 Intramembranous ossification
Condensation of mesenchymal cells
Osteoblasts- produce osteoid matrix
Woven bone
Primary osteon formation
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what do osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts do?
osteoblasts:produce osteoid matrix.
osteocytes:Trapped osteoblasts (cf cementocytes), cell processes, linked by gap junctions, cells vital
Osteoclasts:breakdown organic matrix- enzymes
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what is turnover
resorption and deposition
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what are the roles of calcium ions
membrane permeability, excitation, hard tissue formation, blood clotting, enzyme reactions, secretions
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when is parathyroid hormone released
• Release in response to falling conc of calcium in plasma
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what does the parathyroid hormone do?
• Increases plasma conc of calcium ions
• Prevents hypocalaemia
• Withdraw conc of calcium from the bone bank
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what does calcitonin do?
Prevents [ca2+] plasma becoming high
Action: reduce osteocyte+ osteoclast activity, reduce osteoclast numbers
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what is the action of vitamin D- Cholecalciferol
Action: increase ca2+ absorption in the intestine
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what are some post op problems
Pain – to be expected! They will be sore, pain. Normal to be in pain for 2-3days. But if it gets worse come back in.
Bleeding- if its continuously happening we’ll have to see
Bruising- can be seen on cheek, neck, chest
Swelling- different for everyone.
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what are the post op instructions
• Avoid rinsing mouth for 24 hours (to get a clot established if this not formed more prone to dry socket)
• Avoid alcohol today (otherwise bleeding)
• Avoid smoking (otherwise dry socket)
• Bite on clean cotton or tea towel for 15 mins if bleeds
• How t
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for what teeth do you stand behind the patient for an extraction?
You only stand behind for lower right side
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what are elevators used for?
 To expand socket and loosen tooth
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what is the upper Universal force used for?
to extract any upper teeth
- Simple beaks to engage all single rooted teeth
If you could engage the furcation then you could take out upper molars but it is not specifically designed for molars
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what forces would be used for a very badly broken down upper molar
upper cohort forcep
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If you had 1 forcep to choose for the lower arch
Lower universal forcep
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how does the lower molar force work
The lower molar forcep has two pointed beaks because is going to take a two rooted molar tooth, where there’s a mesial and distal root so that the points of the peaks engage bifurcation between the mesial and the distal root. = more efficient tool for tak
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does the alveolar and basal bone do?


Alveolar bone= supports the tooth
Basal bone= forms the structure itself of the jaw bone

Card 3


what bone gradually disseapers after an extraction?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what lines the socket


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is in the microscopic bone structure


Preview of the front of card 5
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