3BDS: Neurology 4

what are some red flags for headaches
Severity, sudden onset, features of raised intracranial pressure (worse on positional change/strain/coughing, present on walking, nausea+ vomiting), focal neurology, visual changes, impaired consciousness/confusion, meningism- neck stiffness, fever, rash,
1 of 9
What are the causes of primary headache disorders
tension headache, migraine, cluster headaches, medication overuse headaches, trigeminal neuralgia
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what are secondary headache disorders
- Head injury
- CNS Tumour
- CNS infection (meningitis, etc)
3 of 9
what is bacterial meningitis and what bacteria causes it
Bacterial meningitis (lining of the brain inflammation)
 Neisseria meningitidis infection (infants, adolescents, young adults, contact spread)
 Streptococcus pneumoniae infection (babies, elderly)
 Haemophilus influenzae infection (babies, infants)
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what are the clinical features of meningeal irritation
1. Photophobia
2. Neck stiffness
3. Headache/ neckache
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what is encephalitis
Inflammation of brain parenchyma (whole of the brain)
Viral infection (Herpes simplex, varicella zoster, others)
Associated features: impaired consciousness, headache, change in personality, meningism
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what is a cerebral abscess
Raised intracranial pressure- headache (may be worse in morning), nausea and vomiting
Sepsis symptoms
Focal neurology
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what is giant cell arteritis
what are the clinical features and what is the importance
Inflammatory condition, affecting the arteries in the temple
Clinical features:
Headache/scalp tenderness/loss of temporal artery pulse
Jaw claudication
Shoulder+ pelvic girdle pain and stiffness

Risk of blindness, refer to GP
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what is glaucoma and what are the clinical features
Eye problem. Pressure within the eye is raised

Clinical features:
Constant ache around one eye, reduced vision, nausea and vomiting, red/congested eye with dilated nonreactive, cornea may be cloudy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the causes of primary headache disorders


tension headache, migraine, cluster headaches, medication overuse headaches, trigeminal neuralgia

Card 3


what are secondary headache disorders


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is bacterial meningitis and what bacteria causes it


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the clinical features of meningeal irritation


Preview of the front of card 5
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