coastal landscape development - climate change & coasts

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 15-04-22 16:15
Name 3 ways in which coastlines have already been impacted by climate change or could be in the future.
1) The gulf stream is warming which could explain the warmer northern hemisphere.
2) a lot of coasts have increased in temperature by 1 degree.
3) thermal expansion in oceans could push sea levels up.
4) ice melting pushing sea level up.
5) Northern Canad
1 of 8
The amount in which sea levels are expected to rise (in metres).
2 of 8
Name 3 ways in which coastlines are destined to be impacted further by global warming.
1) more frequent and severe coastal flooding
2) submergence of some islands and low lying areas
3) changes in the shape of coastlines
4) contamination of freshwater with saline
5) increased coastal erosion - damages to ecosystems/ loss of homes and busine
3 of 8
How will climate change impact the island of Haiti? 4 ways.
1) changing precipitation patterns leading to periods of extreme droughts vs extreme flooding.
2) increased risk from tropical storms.
3) erosion of the coastline from destructive waves due to stronger tropical storms.
4) decreased fish stocks due to warm
4 of 8
When was the last glacial maximum?
20,000 years ago
5 of 8
in general (from the last 14 - 6000 years) how have the sea levels been?
6 of 8
Which 2 ice sheets have been dramatically effected by climate change?
7 of 8
Name 2 places other than Haiti that will be negatively impacted by climate change.
The Maldives
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The amount in which sea levels are expected to rise (in metres).



Card 3


Name 3 ways in which coastlines are destined to be impacted further by global warming.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How will climate change impact the island of Haiti? 4 ways.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the last glacial maximum?


Preview of the front of card 5
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